I honestly don't see where you are getting this conclusion. As a matter of fact, I'd say that the game currently shows the opposite as most progression is made if the player goes down the feminine road. This being said, if you're saying that because you play as a probably submissive male (again, sandbox but most content goes down that trail) which is probably sissifying/feminizing himself, I could understand it, but then again the goal is not to affirm, or to promote, the supperiority of a gender over another, just to make something interesting to play.
There will be a female character at some point which will also be "transformable", but I am the sole developer, designer and writer for the game so those large updates take more time.
"Transformable"?? How so?? In what way??
I, personally, enjoy games of a corruption or submissive nature of MC (sissification/feminization).
BUT, and it IS a Big BUTT (LOL), too many games INSIST on making the "Sissy's" sole Purpose to be a Man's 'Fuck Toy'!! submitting to "Alpha males" or any pervert (often by force) to give him sexual pleasure (orally, Anally, or vaginally)
That a Sissy or a Trans Fem Is NOT a Person, but ONLY a Sexual Plaything for MEN!!
I, Personally Find this Sickening!!
- To make this CLEAR, I have No Problem with those (Sissy/Trans/ or CIS females) who enjoy doing "THAT"!
It IS Their Choice, and Of Their Own Free WILL/Desire.
- I am NOT saying/implying that Your Games Does This, but PLENTY of other Games DO!
just a few examples;
* My Desire
* Friends of Mine
* Perverted Education
* Sissy Girlfriend Experiment
* Summer of Shame
* Manila Shaw Blackmail Obsession
* Lily of the Valley
* Elena's Life
* Downfall: A story of Corruption
* Special Request
* Ana's Exciting Affection
and there are Many MORE
Where the MC Is EXPLOITED as Nothing More than a Sex Toy for Men & perverts.
And Quite Often the MC Has NO Choice but to comply - Games are NOTHING More than "Fap material"