It is really sad to see how an authentic flash animation game series started by a witty Russian guy with pretty straight preferences (he admitted in blog his love for lush and even chubby girls) have to cater to international trend of woke low testosterone perverts demanding inclusion of futa and furries everywhere. But I guess that's what you get when the goal is money rather than firmly establishing your own style & presence.
"Authentic" meaning "Authentic to MY desires instead of his own".
The main character fucks a Futa in the Train level which is the second game in the collection. I don't know if that makes it the second game in the series.
It sounds to me like you have it completely backwards. He's open to more fetishes. But since he wants to make money he puts in way less futa to appease whiners like YOU.
But you won't be happy because it isn't 100% the way you want. And you don't realize how much more futa he could put in this game.
I eagerly await for more futa. I want fuckerman to go through a whole level where half the woman he sticks his dick into are futas. But you know what I do when I don't get my way?