RPGM - Fur Quests [v0.] [The Pug Dungeon]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Art style is beautiful and overall I think this has a ton of potential as they continue development. There are some tweets with text and UI that could look or operate better but overall that is a very promising game.

    Good Job and Good luck.
  2. 2.00 star(s)



    everyone has really weird looking faces. the girls in particular suffer from butterfaces.

    the game is full of WIP signs right from the very start. it is not done zone by zone but rushes ahead while leaving tons of WIP in the back in areas you cannot backtrack to. so it is expecting you to replay the game
    please for the love of god, complete content in a zone before starting a new zone. And work on those from the very start of the game and then go forward step by step.

    the game is grindy with lots of backtracking so I can rest after every single combat
    enemies have far too much HP and attacks are too slow.

    you can set the game to do auto battle and set speed to max. this helps massively. still a terrifying number of attacks on each side occur before its over. even against simple slimes. which is indicative of the poor combat design

    the homewards bone teleports you to the middle of nowhere instead of an actual home. so i had to wander around for a while and waste resurrection items before finally finding an enemy tent i can rest in. which i would backtrack to after every single fight to heal

    in 20 minutes of gameplay on 18+ mode the only sex possibility I came across is an NTR one where you peep at goblins gang banging a party member. I say bang and not rape because it was clear she was into it. She told the rest of the party to stay behind while she handles the goblins alone naked.
    I chose to avoid it by choosing to rush in and slaughter them all (very clearly labeled which option does what).
    she seems to be quite satisfied with this as well
    since then hadn't been able to see any sign of possible sex.

    game tries to be funny and it is a little funny. but only a little.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    attacks looks very nice but MC look like character from Underworld movie
    im not sure i like his face
    enchanting his sword also is meh ability
    i would prefer weak healing and fight with normal attacks, humor is alright i didnt laugh much but its not cringe i would say its alright
    the best fighters i would say is sorceress that blow up goblins like Deidara from Naruto making her clone explode while they were fucking her and that red fur warrior woman
    i dunno why Morrigan is needing less XP to level up - i guess mechanics needs a little bit of adjustment since she is already the strongest