VN - Ren'Py - FurrHouse [Ch.11] [Chimeros]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Checkout Sabadongelov rate down below first then read mines. I agree with what they said and decided to add some more cons as well as giving this story its actual current rating.

    I'm tired of ppl rating novels from potential. Handing out 4-5 stars for novels that are poor/average. When the story never gets good/better these ppl never come back to change their rate so ppl don't waste their time. I 'played' this game up to ch9 and sayed I've had enough. This story is bareboned and worse it's a semi-kinetic bareboned story. The plot is nothing new and we've heard it before. I would say the music (It doesn't make want to turn off immediately or mute after while), the few unique looking characters, male or futa option (sort of more on that later), MC/FMC is visibly taller then Li's, and MC/FMC actually take initiative; a breath of fresh air but that's really where the positives ends.

    Before starting with the negatives let start with the one semi-negative. The Male/Futa option. From what Ive seen there's at least two different types of futas. Type 1: Dick with pussy. Type 2: Dick & balls with pussy. Some ppl will say there's a type 3 but no; female breast with a penis is just trans. The Dev chose type 2 here and seem to forgot about the fmc other sex organ. There's no attempt made by FMC or the Lis to even try touching or playing with that area. The balls cover that area almost completely as well. Why was this futa option even included if you going to do nothing with it. Why not just make a female who can use magic to swap sex organs when they feel like it. I mean there other characters in the story who do exactly that. Since we're talking about FMC lets talk about the first negative. Depending on the camera angle the FMC body looks strange. Her mid section to lower half. It's like this pear shape body with skinny legs. Pear with toothpick legs underneath.

    The Loredumping is insane here. From the moment you enter the hidden world the LIs cant stop throwing up information at you. Information that could have been gradually fed to us overtime and provided to us by the 'deck' at our own leisure. By chapter 5 I had hope it would stop and by chapter 8 I had already turned on skip unseen text. I just didn't care anymore. Speaking of the 'deck'; you think playing guess who the pokemon *cough* girls minigame is funny but it only restricts information and annoys players even more with the force fed info dump.

    Why does it take to chapter 8-9 that your character is finally sitting down getting to know one of the members of the house. Oh that's right so much lore dumping and world building must be establish before getting to Lis; you know the main reason ppl pick up your game to play. You know I would argue all the chapters that's come out are really 3-4 chapters spread out. From the day to day events, 2-3 things happen and the day is over. Idk who's days look like this but my days and pretty confident that most ppl days are organized from early morning, morning, midday, afternoon, evening, night, & sometimes late night. You could have had the MC/FMC train body/strength/techniques during early mornings, having breakfast with some Lis mornings (you know to actually get to know them), midday-evening some kind of event/events/lunch/dinner (more chances to get to know Lis, and night-latenight learning magic. Basically stats. Strength, Speed, Magic(Dark/Fire/Illusion/Summoning,etc),Runes/Talismans, Armor, MagicArmor?,Money, Inventory, Shops, clothes, tattoos, weapons, etc. That way the players can actually see the progress and feel their character/house grow powerful. You know like a visual novel with sandbox rpg elements. Like a real power fantasy that this game plot is trying to convey but fails. Not your 'sandbox' really a 'replay' mode.

    The Racing minigame. Why do you Dev think ppl want to break their mouse trying to win that race. Either change it to spamming arrow keys(<>) or even better make it into a quicktime letters or arrow keys. Hell it could even be a reoccurring event between you and the girls of the house. Not just Chandra and it could be use as a gauge to show your improvements over time with your athleticism. With the same reward for the winner. Winner gets head/eatenout. That means you will have to adjust the speeds of the girls of the house to what they are wearing (since chandra was wearing sandals and was still fast) and what your character speed stat is at the time.

    Animations are mediocre. That 3some with Chandra/Daisy... here's a list of some games I recommend you Dev play to the first animation and really take it in. After the inferno, Projekt:passion, Desert Stalker,Stray Incubus, Hot Sand of Antartica, Milfs of Sunville season 2. If you cant take the animations to half the level of those then remove them from the game and up the visuals/textures. Semen could look better. Where's the moisture from the women. Orgasm faces needs to be added. Is creampies/pregnancy planned? You can even get ideas from sound and sexual dialogues from the games I recommended because the ones here are not good. This isn't even a mobile game and there's games like lust village doing it better. Stop wasting time with the salor moon magic animation displays.

    Small Nitpicks: Early game we are told the houses do different type of work for large amounts of money. Where are those jobs. The MC/FMC is a computer wizard. When are they going to actually finish packing up their place and start on these side projects (computers/devices) they promise what 3 ppl already they were going to do for free. Oh my bad too busy info dumping, world building, and poor lewd scenes. The MC/FMC other appearance could been better then just
    demon wings. Your telling me you couldnt give them a more unique look with the wings,eyes,hair, markings. You know for game thats called Furrhouse but theres no black cat golden eyes girl. Why are the cat tails succubus tails. I the appearances of these other creatures are going to be better. Dragons, merfolks,bunny, druid, lizard, snake, deer, centaur, etc.

    Now to the houses in general. Dev its one thing to force us the players to accept your Lis into the house as core members, but limiting the house limit to 6 members (your story main Lis only) is ridiculous. I can understand having at least 6 members within a years time to form a house but 6 as the max. Some of us don't like all of your Lis. At what point does the player input matters. We can't choose who's accepted or getting kicked out of our house. Can't change the name of our house. Can't plunder other houses members & housekeepers even though this is a game about harsh fantasy world with politics. I mean you can even see a play for Ophelia and 2 members of house of darkness(fight event between houses) and another play with Iliria and all of house of nature(assassination event). Increase the limit to 20+(The bare minimum should have been 20). That means more Lis need to be made. Where are the mercenerys & other houses. Hanna can be turned. If the players only input for choices are lewd scenes with this person or not then add the kinetic tag to your story or state it in the plot summary.

    Giving this story a rating higher than 3 is like a slap in the face to the devs that actually put in the work. I do not care if this is the first work or that its only in the early stages. Plenty of work get abandoned waiting for 'potential'. Not mention there are other early games first 3 chapters out now that are better. My rating will change when the problems have been addressed and reworked.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Ch. 10

    The plot is not new, but still it's well handled, models are good and with variety. It has nice animations and good physic. It also has music and not just the same boring music you listen to everywhere. Dev went down a deep rabbit hole to dig up a song in an obscure european language so that a nice scene would become great.

    It also features a futa MC, but haven't tried that (and I won't) so I can't say how it is implemented. Still, it is there.

    Onto the negatives: LIs throwing themselves at MC "just because" bothers me. Saying "his race is naturally charming" isn't enough. Also the way MC obtains his powers is hasty and not related to any effort from him.

    It's already nice, but it has room to grow.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Alex zone

    I'm really enjoying FurrHouse! The story has me hooked, especially because the characters are so interesting. MJ is definitely a standout – she's gorgeous, The animation is smooth and adds to the overall experience.

    Renders 4/5
    Characters 5/5
    Story 5/5
    Gameplay 3/5
    Animations 5/5

    Overall, this is a fantastic game! It easily gets 9 out of 10 from me. The characters are engaging, the story is interesting, Definitely worth checking out!
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    it's a very fun game with interesting world building and nice sex scenes, the characters are all different from each other, making it nice for you to find about all of them and seeing how they interact with each other
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Review as of chapter 9.
    TLDR: Interesting but unpolished game I would have given a 3,5 if possible, but as that cannot be done and the game is still in its early stages, I'll give it a 4.
    EDIT: have added somethings to my review since my first review based on the game as of chapter 6, the score remains the same.

    • Music. Not that it matters too much, but still a nice addition. Not all games have it.

    • Sex is animated. Nothing special though and considering this version of Honey Select, to be expected.

    • Male MC or Futa. I play the futa version and it does feel as if it is taylored for the MC being a futa and not just something thrown in for good measure.

    • Real futa, cock and pussy. Subjective, but for me personally a plus.

    • Choices matter a lot. Affects variables mentioned below, but can also lead to completely different scenes with different characters and affect which characters and factions the MC will develop his/her relations with.

    • Many different variables, that keep ticking up and down depending on the MCs action. So far it's kind of unclear how they will matter, if at all, but that might become evident as the game progresses. EDIT: Confirmed in chapter 9 that having high enough dominance means certain options/alternatives are no longer available (presumably submissive options). Hopefully, high stats not only means fewer alternatives, but also that certain paths unlock that otherwise is unavailable.

    • Deep world building.

    • No Engrish, but sometimes grammar mistakes.

    • MC takes initiative and makes moves on the LI. A low bar many games struggle to clear.

    • Men taller than women. Once more a low bar many games struggle to clear.

    • EDIT: Explanation for the harem. Once more a low bar most harem games cannot clear. In this case, it is connected to the Isekai world that the game takes place in, where "alphas" (both genders) can have multiple partners in a harem. Also, exponentially more females than males in the Isekai-world.

    • EDIT: Jealousy among the members of the harem. Also something that should be common in harem games, but is not. Makes it more believable and gives it some tension and nerve. How it is handled isn't perfect though, see below.
    • Men are evil, stupid villains, women are wonderful. Lazy and boring harem trope. Considering the secretive Isekai-world they live in has five women for every man, it's even more ridiculous that there are so many male bad guys running around and virtually none of the bad guys are women. Can't the game at least give us some female rivals/enemies? The MC doesn't have to fuck everything with a vagina. Or, even better let that be an option even with the enemies! Can spice things up! Just because someone is an evil bitch doesn't mean she can't be fuckable. Anyway, boring and low level effort by the Dev in this regard.

    • Loredumping. All the time. So much time is spent explaining the world. Fitting to some extent as the MC is new to the secret Isekai-world (nice excuse to lore dump a fantasy setting), but it's still too much.

    • To much background info on new acquaintances. Like the loredumping, it's too much, too early. Unlike the loredumping, there's really no good explanation for why virtually everyone tell the MC their life story after just barely having met him/her.

    • Lack of erotic tension, flirting and build up. Rather common in porn games as many porn game devs suck at writing dialogue, but still annoying. Is not made better by all the lore dumping and background telling. What it leads to is a lot of rather dry conversation that is suddenly interspersed with sex out of the blue. That in turn leads the sex to feel "meh", at least to me.

    • Dev inventing the story as he/she goes. Evident in the middle of chapter five where the MC in a fit of reminiscing about lost lovers tells a story of a lover he/she had like seven years ago who just disappeared without a trace. That same old lover of course turns up at the end of chapter five (like a day later in game time), reveling that she was an avalonian all the time (avalonians being the denizens of the Isekai). With a little forethought, the dev would have had the MC muse about the old lover in chapter 2 and then have her turn up in chapter 6 or 7, so it wouldn't feel so forced and on the nose.

    • Lack of agency in critical situations, despite the abundance of choices. For instance in chapter 6, the MC forgives and welcomes the old lover who turned up at the end of chapter 5 after like three seconds of scolding her for disappearing without saying anything. And that's despite the game keeping track of things like negative diplomatic ability and dominance. A character with high dominance and low diplomacy should be able to tell the old lover to go fuck herself, or at least demand that she make it up to the MC (in fact, any game with decent agency should have that as an option, but especially a game that tells you that you can play as a dominant and socially blunt type). But no, the MC will simp and the player has no agency over it.

    • Sex interupted. Things start to heat up. Then something or someone interupts. This is *not* a way to create erotic tension, it's just annoying.

    • MC making moves, then apologising afterwards. Happens multiple times. Once more, if we're supposed to be able to play the MC as someone who is dominant, then why are we apologising left and right? Can't we at least be given the option if we want to do that or not? If you're making a move on someone (kissing for instance) and then apologise immediately afterwards, you come across as terminally horny and lacking in impulse control, not as assertive and dominant.

    • EDIT: Social situations as well as central fetishes/fantasies handled clunkely. This ties into what I have already mentioned about the lack of erotic tension, lack of critical choices and the MCs tendency to make moves and then apologising afterwards. I probably should have rewritten those paragraphs and worked this into it, but I'm too lazy, so here goes: The dev doesn't seem to get all the human interactions and fantasies that supposed to go into the game. Meaning, good ideas, not so good execution. I have already mentioned some above, but I will give two more examples from chapter 9:
      • Jealousy induced anger disapating too quickly. In on instance, two LIs find out the MC has been fucking both of them. They call each other "bitch" and start talking about fighting it out. But it quickly goes from a physical fight to a magical duel to a game of scrabble. It's a bit to silly and the mood shouldn't have changed so quickly. Furthermore, in a best case scenario, the player would be given the choice of A) trying to calm them down and mend their relationship B) doing nothing and C) fanning the flames of their jealousy and rivalry, even though I understand that most players probably would go with A).

      • Being dominant, but not really being dominant. In one scene, a LI from anouther house, who the MC fucked in a previous encounter, flashes her hairless pussy to the MC as she, her husband, the MC and another LI from FurrHouse is having a conversation. The MC can respond by ignoring the LI or giving her a fucking sign with his/her fingers. Doing the latter will increase the MCs dominance score. Regardless of how the MC reacts, the husband and the LI from FurrHouse will remain in the room negotiating, while the LI from the other house takes the MC for a tour of the house. But she cuts the tour short and brings the MC to her room, where she undresses and pushes the MC down on the bed before having sex. So, how is giving the fucking sign an act of dominance? Especially when it is not followed up with any action. Rather, it should have given points in Lechery (also a stat). Then, as the tour begins, the player should be given the choice of having the MC push the LI up against a wall, tearing her clothes off and ramming herself into the LI as punishment for teasing him/her and sexually arousing him/her in an inapproriate situation. Or, if that is too much deviation (and therefore to much work), the player should be given the choice of having the MC be the one to declare in no uncertain terms that there will be no tour and that they instead will go to her room, followed by the ripping of clothes and ramming in her room instead. And yeah, when you have a cock as big as the MC, ramming into a pussy like that will *hurt*, even if said pussy is well lubricated. Which would be the point. THAT would be how a dominant character would/could act in a situation like that. Instead we have a MC that acts more submissively to the LIs dominant behaviour and once more, we are also not allowed to tell the LI to fuck off.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Early days for this one, but it's a really promising start and could develop into a fantastic game.

    -Futa protagonist option
    -Good models with a variety of body types
    -Dominant and submissive options
    -The story takes its time when it comes to developing relationships between the characters. You don't trip and fall into pussy or go around spouting corny one liners to get the girls to sleep with you instantly. While there is certainly sexual tension between the MC and some of them, the dev is smart enough to let things develop before jumping into it. We need more games like this that focus on character development instead of just shoving tits in your face every five minutes.
    -Choices matter and consequences are implied to happen for certain decisions.

    -Info dump at the start of the game. I know it's tempting to all the information about the world and setting to the player as fast as possible to make them understand what's going on, but it would have been MUCH better to work that information into a long conversation that the MC and Daisy could have had during the car ride or something. Having a massive screen full of "choose this topic to get a small info dump about this" choices that you need to go all the way through is very immersion breaking.

    Looking forward to more of this.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Still early on in its development, however the world already makes for a very interesting foundation. Monster girls are always a plus and there are enough different girls to make for a fun VN. I also like that you can play either as a futa or as a guy. The writing is also good and I only noticed a small amount of errors. I hope the dev keeps going and already has a plan for the direction he wants the story to go
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    I think it's a very nice game, beautiful characters, a very inviting story that has great potential. can't wait to see more of it. Of course I'm also excited to see how the story develops. I wish the developer much success and the perseverance to finish it and many supporters to make it easier.