VN - Ren'Py - FurrHouse [Ch. 8] [Chimeros]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Review as of chapter 6.
    TLDR: Interesting but unpolished game I would have given a 3,5 if possible, but as that cannot be done and the game is still in its early stages, I'll give it a 4.

    • Music. Not that it matters too much, but still a nice addition. Not all games have it.

    • Sex is animated. Nothing special though and considering this version of Honey Select, to be expected.

    • Male MC or Futa. I play the futa version and it does feel as if it is taylored for the MC being a futa and not just something thrown in for good measure.

    • Real futa, cock and pussy. Subjective, but for me personally a plus.

    • Choices matter a lot. Affects variables mentioned below, but can also lead to completely different scenes with different characters and affect which characters and factions the MC will develop his/her relations with.

    • Many different variables, that keep ticking up and down depending on the MCs action. So far it's kind of unclear how they will matter, if at all, but that might become evident as the game progresses.

    • Deep world building.

    • No Engrish, but sometimes grammar mistakes.

    • MC takes initiative and makes moves on the LI. A low bar many games struggle to clear.

    • Men taller than women. Once more a low bar many games struggle to clear.
    • Men are evil, stupid villains, women are wonderful. Lazy and boring harem trope. Considering the secretive Isekai-world they live in has five women for every man, it's even more ridiculous that there are so many male bad guys running around and virtually none of the bad guys are women. Can't the game at least give us some female rivals/enemies? The MC doesn't have to fuck everything with a vagina. Or, even better let that be an option even with the enemies! Can spice things up! Just because someone is an evil bitch doesn't mean she can't be fuckable. Anyway, boring and low level effort by the Dev in this regard.

    • Loredumping. All the time. So much time is spent explaining the world. Fitting to some extent as the MC is new to the secret Isekai-world (nice excuse to lore dump a fantasy setting), but it's still too much.

    • To much background info on new acquaintances. Like the loredumping, it's too much, too early. Unlike the loredumping, there's really no good explanation for why virtually everyone tell the MC their life story after just barely having met him/her.

    • Lack of erotic tension, flirting and build up. Rather common in porn games as many porn game devs suck at writing dialogue, but still annoying. Is not made better by all the lore dumping and background telling. What it leads to is a lot of rather dry conversation that is suddenly interspersed with sex out of the blue. That in turn leads the sex to feel "meh", at least to me.

    • Dev inventing the story as he/she goes. Evident in the middle of chapter five where the MC in a fit of reminiscing about lost lovers tells a story of a lover he/she had like seven years ago who just disappeared without a trace. That same old lover of course turns up at the end of chapter five (like a day later in game time), reveling that she was an avalonian all the time (avalonians being the denizens of the Isekai). With a little forethought, the dev would have had the MC muse about the old lover in chapter 2 and then have her turn up in chapter 6 or 7, so it wouldn't feel so forced and on the nose.

    • Lack of agency in critical situations, despite the abundance of choices. For instance in chapter 6, the MC forgives and welcomes the old lover who turned up at the end of chapter 5 after like three seconds of scolding her for disappearing without saying anything. And that's despite the game keeping track of things like negative diplomatic ability and dominance. A character with high dominance and low diplomacy should be able to tell the old lover to go fuck herself, or at least demand that she make it up to the MC (in fact, any game with decent agency should have that as an option, but especially a game that tells you that you can play as a dominant and socially blunt type). But no, the MC will simp and the player has no agency over it.

    • Sex interupted. Things start to heat up. Then something or someone interupts. This is *not* a way to create erotic tension, it's just annoying.

    • MC making moves, then apologising afterwards. Happens multiple times. Once more, if we're supposed to be able to play the MC as someone who is dominant, then why are we apologising left and right? Can't we at least be given the option if we want to do that or not? If you're making a move on someone (kissing for instance) and then apologise immediately afterwards, you come across as terminally horny and lacking in impulse control, not as assertive and dominant.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Early days for this one, but it's a really promising start and could develop into a fantastic game.

    -Futa protagonist option
    -Good models with a variety of body types
    -Dominant and submissive options
    -The story takes its time when it comes to developing relationships between the characters. You don't trip and fall into pussy or go around spouting corny one liners to get the girls to sleep with you instantly. While there is certainly sexual tension between the MC and some of them, the dev is smart enough to let things develop before jumping into it. We need more games like this that focus on character development instead of just shoving tits in your face every five minutes.
    -Choices matter and consequences are implied to happen for certain decisions.

    -Info dump at the start of the game. I know it's tempting to all the information about the world and setting to the player as fast as possible to make them understand what's going on, but it would have been MUCH better to work that information into a long conversation that the MC and Daisy could have had during the car ride or something. Having a massive screen full of "choose this topic to get a small info dump about this" choices that you need to go all the way through is very immersion breaking.

    Looking forward to more of this.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Still early on in its development, however the world already makes for a very interesting foundation. Monster girls are always a plus and there are enough different girls to make for a fun VN. I also like that you can play either as a futa or as a guy. The writing is also good and I only noticed a small amount of errors. I hope the dev keeps going and already has a plan for the direction he wants the story to go
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I think it's a very nice game, beautiful characters, a very inviting story that has great potential. can't wait to see more of it. Of course I'm also excited to see how the story develops. I wish the developer much success and the perseverance to finish it and many supporters to make it easier.