Unity - Completed - Furry Cybersex [Final] [Furry Tails]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    More low quality art-cgi games from the same studio that keeps cranking them out. Not worth your time or the download at the price of free. If the art was more than wobbly tweening and the gameplay ever existed, sure. But so far disappointment all around.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Painfully mediocre. The thing is nothing in this game is bad on its own but there's just no substance when combined together which severely makes it worse.

    The plot is generic Cyberpunk plot as the game tosses Sci-Fi jargon to hit the checklist of what a Cyberpunk plot is. There's a puzzle mechanic but all it does is drop the dialogue for a minute before starting again. The plot is your "reward" but it's just far too spaced out that the boring puzzles don't make up for it.

    It could've just been a Furry porn game but it had to be different and instead just kept adding on pieces that feel tacked on.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    This is absolute garbage. It's barely a game, it's barely animated considering it's just tweening with loads of clipping issues. No value as gameplay, and no value as porn. Do not even try to give it a chance. Your time is worth a lot more.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Basic puzzle game with sex scene rewards, nothing particularly spectacular, animations and art are so-so, game itself is pretty easy and there's not really any story to it. Took me all of 20 minutes to beat. Worth playing, but nothing special.