VN - Unity - Completed - Furry Hitler [Final] [Furry Tails]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    facist furry shit, idk why these weirdos keep making shit like this, nor do i know why places keep letting them stay listed. it's bad, even for furry art, which is already bad by default 90% of the time, and it's just a facist bootlicker's wet dream, coated in fur.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    Tried it and overall very underwhelmed. Furry stuff is not my cup tea but the art is ok, animations are simple, and sex scenes are very tame and underwhelming for the amount of hassle you will have getting through the minigame.

    It's a shock title and I am glad I tried it here instead trying to buy and return on Steam.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    How many of these are there? Seriously.

    I know im repeating myself after that previous review, but this really is exactly the same kind of crap like the other one i reviewed.

    Bad quality porn, shock value for attention, bad message about furries. Need i go on?

    Dev, if you're reading this: Put some effort in and stop screaming for attention.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    Meh. Wasted opportunity.
    You have nazi furries and you dont even have forced breeding camps, no hardcore bondage and no sexy prisoner interogation.
    Instead you have something that looks like a sob story + half assed sex minigames.