VN - Ren'Py - Further Education [Ep.6 v0.6] [Kvitravn Tales]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I think

    ○ Detailed and unique rendering of body features
    ○ Attractive female character

    ● A very slow and gradual sexual tension
    ● It's not a pornographic game? so what is this? just VN?

    If you just want VN, you need a more convincing and detailed story
    however, i think there should be more sexual tension in order to target the demand base of adult VN.
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Goggle Goob

    Absolutely loving the game so far! The characters are interesting and well designed. The setting is a nice change from what you usually see nowadays. And the dialogue/story has been well done so far. The renders can be grainy but they are still well done. Don't see too much clipping and it actually feels like the characters are interacting with one another in the scene. Has done a solid job of handling the mental health portion of the game so far as well. I'd personally highly recommend giving this game a chance because of the story, characters, and setting. It's a nice breathe of fresh air in the genre and focuses more so on the novel part that some of us play these games for.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Story and conversations make little to no sense.
    Context is missing and just does not feel like a story is being told at all.

    Characters are hard to like, mood is generally just outright depressing.

    Graphics are grainy and then made worse with deliberately flickering text.

    Tried to give it a chance up until 0.4 but i just cant get myself to waste time on this anymore.

    Models look ok, might make it ok if there were some h-scenes in it.... but honestly i would only want to watch the replay gallery of h-scenes and not bother with the game in it's sorry confused state.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    This game suffers from a lot of negatives that really drag it down. First is the writing which makes little sense most of the time. Second is the grainy/noisy renders that are pretty distracting. Idk maybe it was just me, but from the get go the story and writing starting jerking all over and was really hard to follow. I'd give this one a miss.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Pretty poor right now, especially the writing, like i get the gist of the story, but damn with the spelling mistakes and grammar issue, its really rough right now. Maybe after a couple more updates ill take another gander at the game. 2/5 for now.
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    review based on 0.4

    Well - hard to rate. If i would have to rate the story, would give a solid 4 star rating.
    Unfortunately there is more stuff to include the rating - such as the lack of interogations with the girls, the under-average renders (grainy) ... and so on.
    So overall i have to give only 2 stars. The main points nowadays are having decent renders and lewd content, which is both lacking over here at all.
    A good story itself doesn't make up for missing the main reason to play these games.
    So far i can't recommend this game for now, but keep an eye on it - it has potential to get better.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    There is something great about this game. In general, I find crime stories to be so interesting and then throw in some fucked up characters and you'll definitely be in for a ride. The main protag is an odd ball, he can be smart and observant as a detective, but socially he's got some deep seeded issues he got to keep at bay, I mean he is literally hallucinating his girlfriend. Haha I guess there lies the intrigue, how and why he is who he is.

    The main plot has a nice way of tying together his fucked-up life and his crime fighting job. The female characters are all so unique and beautiful, and I hope to see more relationships progress in future updates. Come on let's get the main protag's love life back to some normalcy haha.

    Overall, definitely like it more than I first expected and can't wait for the next update.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    • The renders are good, with some attractive female models.
    • Interesting story
    • MC is not an idiot
    • English is ok. But definitely could use some better editing by an English speaker.
    • MC is not easy to relate to. As @Avaron1974 said, it’s difficult to put yourself in his place, even for me as a male who suffers from depression his thinking just seems alien to me. He feels somewhat like the protag in Summer’s G, but even harder to understand.
    • Females though different look fairly similar, which makes sense some for aunt and mom, but even friend/partner looks similar.
    • Very slow burn
    • MC looks sickly and small compared to everyone.
    • Pacing of story seems too slow but a few times, it feels like we skipped something so things aren’t clear. Missing something in transition or translation, especially when
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    This falls right around a 3.5. So far, I definitely like their first VN better. Hopefully pacing, especially sexually will pickup soon and we’ll get some improvement or at least a better understanding of the MC.
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    If you are here for the girls then look at the graphics, if you don't like any of them then don't start playing, all the female models in this game are practically identical as far as the face is concerned, they differ in small details and hairstyle.

    The game does not provide any meaningful choices, the only choices you make only change the dialogues, no consequences, the dev has no idea about the variable, this is my opinion.

    Scenes jump, are unnatural, poses and facial expressions are strange.

    The author inserts spaces where he shouldn't like punctuation marks and where he should he doesn't give them., English is not my native language, but my eyes were bleeding and my brain was heating up as I read these long, meaningless dialogues.

    The MC is mentally ill talking to some grandmother who doesn't exist and worst of all the game leads us in a direction where we will have sex with her, disgusting to me.
    On top of that he is dwarfed, all the women are taller than him, he is redheaded and looks like a stoner, by the way most of the characters in this game look like they are stoners, maybe because practically only one model was used here xD
    On top of that, he is treated like a special needs child by the women.
    You can change his name, but the author didn't come up with the idea of changing his last name, so you're playing a half-self xD

    If you want to change something in the options then be prepared for a shock, the dev came up with that a great option would be practically the same color of subtitles as the background xD

    If here for a good story you may find it, however, you have to suffer through stylistic and grammar errors in literally every sentence.
    If you are here for women then back off right away, nothing happens.
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    The dialogue in this game wants to be good, but unfortunately, it's terrible, I can only assume it is because English is not the author's first language but unfortunately this game can't be rated any higher. It doesn't deserve a 1 though because the thought, story, and effort are there, and I think this game would improve dramatically with some primary English speaking assistance.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    The plot is ok but there is no sex scene at all and the dialogues are way too long. Each playthrough gives no reward for the gamer, its a waste of time for people who are looking for a decent game to fap to. Might as well play a normal game from steam.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a weird one for me because i'm giving it a high rating yet couldn't get into it but not because it was bad.

    The story is interesting and I already liked most of the characters from the first game so the personalities and interactions are solid.

    Good writing, good characters and an interesting story.

    I'll add why I couldn't get into it just for context, the MC.

    The whole mental health thing put me off to begin with. I have no experience with that in any way so there is no common ground. How he interacts with people is nothing like I would.

    I usually have a hard enough time with male main characters on games like this, with being female it's hard enough finding common ground with an average MC so when you throw in one that feels, thinks and acts totally alien to what i'm used to it throws me off and I struggle to get behind that character.

    Don't get me wrong, the character is really well designed and the writing for him is great. It's just a personal issue that I found myself unable to relate in any way.

    Even with that said I 100% adsvise people to play it and the first game if they haven't. I love the character designs and nearly everything else involved so think a lot of people here would enjoy this.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Review Ep.2:
    Definitelly worth play it even being in first stages. In Futher Education we have a police/noir/thriller story together with the amazing chill/idyllic/oniric atmosphere dev already brought in his first game (which is worth mention: both games are setup in the same universe).

    I like a lot of things in this game, the first one is the MC: Flynn. A young guy who work as agent of a federal agency, very competent in his work but not so much in his social/personal life. Despite be surrounded by lovely people, his friends, his family's friends and his lovely/stunning/goddess mother Carmine, Flynn has a really hard time in connect to people, either because past trauma in regards his missed girlfriend as his savant's condition. And here we have a great setup for a story about Flynn overcoming these barriers and finally connecting with someone again. Which we all expecting will be with his mom in much more - ahem, ahem - deeper ways:sneaky:

    And about the mom. Carmine is just gorgeous. Incredibly beautifull, hot, funny, chill, smart and lovely. A LI who is impossible not to love. She is the full package and while her relationship with Flynn is pretty much grounded to the traditional mother/son, it will be great see how their relations will evolve to a more romantic (and of course, sexual) way.

    The support cast is also well-made. Elodie and Roy are the type of friends everyone should have in life, the characters of dev's first game also appear here and is so good see how their stories will continue and Flynn will interact with them. This is already a good fiction world that i can't wait to see more about.

    In other aspects, the renders and compositions are definitely a improvement from previous work. The pace is great, the crime/police plot is well-crafted with all the right bits and clever insights. Worth play it and worth support it on patreon
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    {{Review till Ep2}}

    Okay what the hell son, just yesterday I was finished with the Ep1 and the ending kinda left me conflicted,
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    Youre obviously a great writer son, and you excel MAJORLY in relationships, I mean you got this young mom of MC (Again tomboy, whats up with that huh? not that im complaining....), this TALL ASS bestfriend with whom she has a Leo-Kate type relationship (need MORE, MUCH MORE OF THOSE SON) and this Black bestfriend, kind of a older male figure in MCs life? oh he's nicely incorporated (Acting lessons has it too), also this supposed dead/missing lover of MC? she is quite a mystery again.
    Also screw that bitch Emma god i fucking hate her guts, and elise, all I wanna say is Awwwwwwww, quite hot that one is.
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    Though you got that nice police procedural element and FBI deception shit going on, Id LOVE some good 'ol cop work.


    All in all great visual,
    okay music? (Like if you fancy American Football then youre in for treat),
    writing is as usual Top FUCKING notch,
    grammar can be better,

    10/10 for me.