Ren'Py - Furtown: New Beginnings [v0.8] [BisCreates Studio]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    The art is incredible, all the girls in this VN are beautiful and sexy. The main character too, very handsome.

    The story is very interesting and well written it left me wanting for more.
    at first glance i was skeptical about this game because I thought that it was just some annoying sandbox
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    I've only played a bit so far, but the english is pretty rough. If they worked on the translations and rewrote the dialogue so it sounded natural, that would improve game a lot. The art and story seem decent so far, but it's hard to get into it with how stilted and weird the writing sounds.
  3. 5.00 star(s)

    Midya of the North

    Version 0.7.

    Gameplay: Visual novel. No sandbox. Dialogue, dialogue, pick choice, dialogue. Simple.

    Story: Pacing is good. I like it a lot. There's no intro to new character but you somehow knew what the new characters do and what archetype they are (childhood friends, bitch, milf, etc.) - good storytelling, imo.

    Artstyle: Like it. Love it. Gotta have it. All of the furries are hot. I am impressed and horny.

    What I want in future updates: More different animals/furries characters. Hopefully each has unique traits - not many has same or generic traits.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is genius, Fucking hot furrys and seems like in the future there will be even humans to fuck so theres something for everyone even tho this is still mainly a furry game, there ain't much lore but it's still just the beginning after all and the characters need to be more fleshed out, now for the complains

    -not enough suzie/ -needs more armpits but thats just me >->/ -isn't really a incest game, not blood-related at least/ -MORE COW PUSSY!
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    immaculate and hot character designs, compelling character personalities, worldbuilding, worldbuilding, worldbuilding... sex scene! worldbuilding, worldbuilding.. if ur looking to jerk off theres too much inbetween, however it's not a bad game! i find the human on furries aspect not very well touched on and it's incorporated brilliantly in this game, you get choices, alot of choices, and sometimes they mean something sometimes they don't.

    there is nothing wrong with telling a story with sex, and don't get me wrong this game is plenty sexually orientated, but with the turns and twists of a normal story and then randomly quick a sex scene get your jerks in!! then back to story i feel like it should be separated, so i recommend this for the characters, art and etc because once again it's all amazing, but if you expected a lustful horny raunch at every turn and twist and an at the edge of your goon experience, it's not here, sorry
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Game is actually full of content for this stage of dev and coming along well. Hope it keeps up the pace! Feels a bit railroad-y choices-wise, but the great artwork makes up for it. Could use a bit more resistance from some of the women, but that's just personal preference.
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    When coming into the game is obviously meant for people with a certain fetish. I'm not a person that's into anthropomorphism, but decided to try it out anyway. Looking at it for the first time its visually appealing with a basic overview.

    The gameplay is pretty straight forward either you are reading or clicking on locations not really anything else and its pretty choice based on the what you pick.

    What really stands out from everything is probably what everybody already knows the art. The character look pretty decent and have real effort into them.

    As of v0.4 the story doesn't stick out as a different school setting porn game. It has the generic only male hot mother and daughter's with a dead father. The writing is bland with mix of mildly predictable out comes. It sometimes moves from one thing to the next with little pacing which is good but also leaves out real depth making it fell like you jumped in time or missed out on something. But somewhat picks up with the secret sister and stalker with the addition of the bully.

    Moreover the characters do have a good bit of detail put into them. Alice with the right choice acts somewhat like an actual sibling where she teases the mc and compliments him rarely. You do find out she's a camgirl giving her a bit story behind her with the cons of profiting on lonely guys.

    The mother is the average single stay at home mom with three kids drinks wine, gets drunk, and falls asleep. She does go on dates with guy to find a guy for herself the first one is just for the mc to jerk off and nut on her nothing that add story. The second date is the weirdest part of the game and the player finds what she's sensitive to mentally. You also get to find out more about herself near the end while jogging together.

    Finally Susie is the adopted daughter and the youngest out of the three. If you choose to go with her over Alice you can go to the gym which probably will focus on her story. she's also bullied for being adopted by the daughter of the head teacher and cant do anything and its all up to the mc to solve it.

    For me the game is pretty bare at this point hopefully in the future the story get better. And the characters get more depth with more scenes. More freedom to move around the map with out a linear story with a longer play time. would give it a three and a half but it isn't a option.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    A pleasant novel for chill reading, even with some cliffhangers on such an early stage. Liked the visuals, setting and the variety of (future) plot lines, as well as developers' interactions with audience

    Spicy character designs, nice animated scenes, hot momma, everything a Visual Novel needs (y)
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    As of v0.3 there's not much content however the little parts that are available are good starters and there is much potential for this game should there be regular content being added. I will say though the story doesn't seem 100% clear on where it's going and on a good note there are a lot of characters that seem like they will have content later on.
    Likes: Hjyfh
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    A nice VN so far. Limited content but has well drawn characters, good dialogue, and interesting story arcs with each character. There is an array of diversity between the characters personalities so that is intriguing too. I look forward to seeing how this progresses.
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.2

    I went in wanting to like this one more than I did. The obvious main draw here is the art, provided you're into furries. Thankfully I'm a person of many different tastes so this was pretty eye catching. The character art does have its charm.

    Besides that though, the game is unfortunately very bland at the end of the day. It's a pretty generic incest game, with the same tropes and dialogue I've seen in 20 other AVNs of the same type on this site. Most of the events and writing are pretty simple and have a sort of rushed feel, which means they aren't that satisfying to see play out. It's lacking any real depth I'd normally want out of my visual novels.

    This is listed as a harem game, but really doesn't feel like one. Most choices so far are just picking which girl to go do an event with and missing out on the ones you didn't chose. Then there's the moment when you ask your mom about her dinner date and she tells you he's "well endowed." Or with the wolf sister, who we find out is a camgirl that we immediately go jerk off to (unavoidably) that same night. It's not something I'd cry out "NTR!!!" about, but I just don't find those things appealing to put it simply.

    I have some complaints on the technical side of things as well. Some bugs included every character calling me by the default MC name instead of what I entered, and one of my choices going the yes route despite selecting no. There's also a map that's just completely useless since there's only ever one place to go. I like the music at the least though.

    Feel like I should have a little section about the AI art backgrounds as well. I'm not a fan of AI art in general, but I have much less of a problem when it's ONLY being used for backgrounds like this does. Still, it's not ideal. It kind of turns into the only interesting thing to look at being the characters. Does not do favors for immersion either.

    What are you looking for out of an AVN? If you're just in it for the sex scenes I suppose this is fine. If you're like me and enjoy more in-depth writing/characters, this doesn't have that. As usual the game is new and things can change, and I'd expect things like the bugs to be worked out pretty fast. But the game would need a pretty big rewrite to address a lot of my personal problems with it, and I just doubt that will happen.