yes they're red flags because every girl didn't save their virginities/just not fucking other guys like good girls until MC is ready for them to be in his harem because destiny or some shit, that's apparently all they are, not allowed to have sexual lives outside of MC
Sorry sweetie, if the fat 80% lard beast behind that keyboard isn't the only one getting laid he's going to be upset. More importantly, any woman that is in any kind of sexual or intimate, or even generally friendly status/relationship with literally anyone that isn't Jabba over here is a slut. I don't make the rules, the redditor does, and you don't want him to speak up again, imagine the smell. I saw a thread a while ago where you literally just fuck a prostitute and some drooler was going berserk about it being NTR that her job as a sex worker involved fucking other people. Bitch WHAT!?
Anyway, I personally like it when characters interact with each other. I don't know if this game intends to do anything like this though buuuut if a game was made where they had schedules, met each other, did stuff like normal people do, maybe even had sex with each other but you could get with them for threesomes, do a poly thing eventually and romance them all into becoming your harem that'd be nice. 99% of the time it takes 2 interactions before you can fuck someone in these games, to say nothing of the utterly braindead interactions they DO have with the main character to begin with.