RPGM - Futa Family [v0.2.29] [Ani has Problems]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The game need more work but is in a good path for now at least.

    The more important thing that need to "fix" is the story:
    Is quite good but need a better choice system and 2 path, NTS and NTR.

    Both in NTS and NTR the FMC need choice between her mother, the MMC mother or another NPC in the game like, the game have very much stories and potential couples for the FMC but as soon as she start to "interact" with one character, she go with another without finish the story with the previous character.

    For example if the FMC start to "sleep" with her mother she need to continue with her and not go with another character in the game. Like for example "Scars of Summer".

    Backing to the Choice System in general, in the very begining of the story, the MMC must choice between if he want to his girlfriend "sleep" with another person (Netorase) and if he say something like "No that's not my kink" the story be enter in the Netorare path and the FMC will start to search "attention" with another "friends".

    If the dev read this please, rework that part and please add the pregnancy scenes to the gallery. If you will add a "Unlock all" option in the gallery is better if you add the pregnancy scenes too.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a great game with a very good lore but it still has a lot of loose ends but as it seems like it's not an ongoing project and is just beginning production it deserves some time for the author/developer to work on the story well, there's nothing to complain about the animations as they are well done, as for the type of game (RPGM) it's one that doesn't please everyone but I don't think it "fell" badly in the game and being able to choose the difficulty also helps a lot, taking all these points into consideration it's a good ongoing project but it's still a bit raw, I also say from the outset that I'm a big fan of the author/developer and also of the game.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Futa Familly is a bright example of good idea with a bad realization.

    In a world where everyone is Futa, a normal Boy and Girl try to have a normal relationship, but every Futas want to have fun with them.
    I like the idea and the incest twist is hot.

    What's bad, The story is split in two, Boy in one Girl in the other, this do not make the story better and split the content in half...

    Standard rpg stuff, what's fun is they have to bring they mother with them, which is funny and give and explanation on why we don't get Game over when we lose a fight (mom save them)

    What's bad, when we could just have use the city has main hub where you get quest etc. The author made it a story about travel which is not really the point of the game...

    Closing: Like I said, I really like the concept but I think the game did not focus on it and try to be something else.
    -Only on route (with choice), and a story focus on Sharing, Sexual harassment and corruption would be perfect but right now the focus seam elsewhere...

  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I love this game. The story is good, the art is good, the scenes are great, the characters are great, and the gameplay is perfectly fine for one of these games. It has male x female, female x futa, and futa x male content, so there is lots of variety. It hits on many different kinds of fetishes. There is just so much going for this game.

    One drawback I will list is that I started to feel a little burnt out with the FMC routes. I hope in future updates we get more male x futa content because it needs that variety. I very much enjoy the FMC routes, don't get me wrong. One of my favorite "side quests" is with the MC and a character named Zoe with green hair. I'd love to see that get fleshed out more. I also think the first-person perspective the MC has is great, such as when he gives head. Some fleshed out routes where the MC can also go down some NTR/corruption paths would be great, rather than just side quests that don't really go anywhere.

    Anyway, this game has a lot of pros going for it. I feel as though it's an unpolished gem that has a lot of ambition and will hopefully live up to all I hope it can.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    [v0.2.24] Really good game. Great story, progression of the relationship with the gf and your or her mom. Scenes are good, dialog is enjoyable. Cant say anything bad about it other than what comes with a rpg maker game, like too much walking. The combat is really not important, and the dev know this too so you have a chocie of having a normal combat system or nearly one hit win everytime. If the tags are something you are interested i would recommend this game in a heart beat
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I has the boring usual RPG maker combat and annoying dungeons, but when you get past it you can get the hottest futa on GF NTS scenes you can get in this website, if you love NTR/NTS combined with futa this game is for you.
    There is also a bit of optional futa on protag btw.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    It has great spirit and ideas and the worst execution. It's needlessly a RPGmaker game, with generic, out-of-the-box RPGmaker gameplay along with it for padding. It has a tedious system of going to school (because of course) everyday, manually. The CG tends to have obvious clipping, particularly on the heroine's hair going through her neck whenever she looks up at you. And, more importantly, the writing is a trainwreck; there are typos galore to the point of there being one in every line, and even ignoring that the writing is lazy, half-baked, and even has the odd emoji and ^^ plastered in it for... some reason.

    Which is a shame, because it's got some fun and hot characters and ideas, and actually (tries) to follow through on them, but it turns out that delicious ice cream cone was actually sour cream.

    imo, this is not something that'll be fixed, as it would require going back and tidying up most of the dialog in the game. That simply isn't reasonable.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Definitely has a lot of potential. Great game for those with a futa fix, both futa x female and futa x male. It's still a work in progress but each update seems substantial and the devs are definitely trying their best to make this game amazing. You got quests, character lines and more in this game which is always a plus in my book. There's NTR but some scenes can be avoided if you want, you'll just miss out on some scenes. Definitely stick with this one and be patient, I think this'll turn out to be a great game when completed.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    I apologize to anyone who has liked my rating before this. I'm changing my review after fully playing the demo and getting a good grasp of everything presented here. You're more than welcome to remove your like if you disagree with me.

    After playing this game to the furthest the demo allows. I've actually decided that I need to amend my previous review of the game. There's some notably big issues that the game has that I can't in good faith grant a 5 star review to this game for having. I wouldn't mind bumping the score back up after these issues have been fixed. I'm going to be reviewing the game as it currently is however.

    This is actually a second draft of the edit of this review, my initial revision ended up not making it.. For some reason word decided my review didn't need to exist anymore.


    To the Review:

    The game has a large number of problems, at first I had been able to overlook them, but as the game goes further on, the problems become more glaring and noticeable. There's a number of bugs I've incurred, including one where Camilla trapped me the room with Elli and wouldn't leave.. (I genuinely got soft locked because of this and for some odd reason.. She just wouldn't move from the door. Maybe not a bug, but it's definitely extremely irritating). I've also seen double, and even triple of Elli walking around. As well as double of Julia on an occasion. There's also massive amounts of spelling errors.. Even in the menus.. Where you'd think someone would constantly be looking has errors in it. Either this is some kind of inside joke.. Or this is just.. Laziness. I overlooked it, up until I started having scenes that made no fucking sense. People who were not even involved talking, images of people that weren't there popping up, the wrong person saying the wrong thing, double speaking, triple speaking, sometimes you'll get locked into another conversation right after the first without ever even having done anything to initiate it.

    Make no mistake though, the game has massive potential and is definitely a good title. I have faith that it can grow.. I have to profess though, that I actually think that the game needs to step away from NTR as a major theme. Not as a major route mind you. Let me explain: The game was created with NTR in mind, so much so that the introduction seems to have been tailor made specifically for the sake of having an NTR on/NTR off switch. Which I will get into the introduction in a second, because it needs an entire segment just for it. However the introduction and "Routes" is actually hindering the game a great deal and preventing it from shining I feel like. To spell it out, trying to separate the routes as hard as the developer has, is always going to hold the game back.

    This is for many reasons, the first and foremost being that just because someone isn't into NTR, doesn't mean that they might not like some of the options that are being cut off by the NTR path. To explain without spoilers, there's some kinks /paths that are hard cut off by clicking the "No NTR" Route. Second, this creates some really odd discrepancies. Elli essentially becomes a whore almost immediately if you click "NTR On" and there is no slow corruption to it. There's more too, but I have to talk about the introduction

    This is the part where I rant about the introduction and how bad it is for A LONG TIME. There will be spoilers in this rant as well. You've been warned:

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    Enough about the introduction to the game. Despite how poorly I may feel about the introduction, the game has an impressive scope and could go in several directions that would be amazing to see. Body Transformation, Feminization, Crossdressing, all of it is there for the taking (or not). Yuri being as feminine as he is sets the stage for a lot of things to be done with him.. And it would be a major shame if it was actually genuinely all 100% just about a guy getting cucked. The world has way too much going on with it and the cast presented have way too much going on for them for it to end up being JUST an NTR game. I'm not hating on NTR games, I'm just stating that I really genuinely feel like this game benefits from traversing as many roads as it can. NTR being one of them.. I just strongly disagree with a "Ntr On/Off" switch in the way it's presented

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    I doubt any of this will actually reach the Dev anyways. Especially considering how easy it to pirate games on here.. most Devs despise this place, but it's one of the few places I feel I can express my opinion. Also genuinely doubt anyone sees my walls of text and just says "I think I wanna sink a few minutes into reading that"

    That being said however, I will be keeping an eye on this project. I hope it grows and expands, it has a good scope to it, but I fear that the developer working alone on it is gonna end up meaning that the game progresses rather slowly. I do suggest to most devs that sticking to your desires and wants in these projects usually results in the best work.. And I still stand by that..

    Also, Yeah. I understand that porn games usually have porn game logic and that they're usually about the sex first and that half the time the story is the last thing they care about.. But porn games have been in general stepping up their game a lot lately. There's some rather high quality ones that exist that are on par with triple A title games now.. As to whether that's because of the gaming industries' standards lowering or the eroge scene getting better… That's.. Up to you to decide I suppose.


    - Massive Potential
    - Room to venture down niche genres that are more scarce.
    - Unique duo: MC is Basically borderline femboy, femboy x girlfriend would be a neat thing to see in this
    - The world opens up in a rather organic pace. The starting area is large, but it's not bafflingly so.
    - The lore and background of the world is actually kind of intriguing, especially for an eroge
    - Developer seems rather pro choice on matters, always makes games feel more like games.

    - Analysis of the introduction reveals the intro us fine, the options are what limits it.
    - Scenes are fairly buggy at times. The game itself is fairly buggy at times
    - There's spelling errors, wrong words being said at times, people not even present speaking at times. Lines being spoken in Double, Lines spoken in Triple. The wrong character appears sometimes. The wrong character appears in the chatbox sometimes. Sometimes a character says a line for someone else. Just.. Loads.. And loads of errors like this (I mean, not hard to fix, but there's so many)
    - Combat is extremely basic and barebones. It could strongly use some spice
    - Mc is more assertive in non-NTR route. but loses that assertion in the NTR route

    - Reverse NTR scenes need to be more a thing to go along with the NTR.
    - Models seems a bit aged. Doesn't bother me, just I've seen people complain over better looking models than these.
    - Let Julia Deflower Yuri and Elli at the same time! It would be rather unique (Maybe have this as as a thing on the Non-NTR route as a means to pivot back into the NTR route (a more controlled NTR route)

    I always try my best to be objective in my reviews, I'm someone who can subjectively see the appeal in nearly any genre. I try my best to be neutral in disliking or liking something for the sake of the taboo content. I rate the things that I see based on the level of quality, effort being given, and potential that I see in the title. If I see bad NTR, I'll have no trouble calling it out, I'll also try and say how I feel it could be improved. Most of my criticisms will be backed by constructive comments. I refuse to hate something purely because it has NTR or some other tag on it, and I also refuse to like something just because it has a tag on it.

    ….. But that Intro. Something needs done about it.


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    Game has a lot of spelling errors and grammatical errors.. problems with... just dialogue in general. However the overall meaning of things is still there. It gets a little bad the further you go apparently


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  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is amazing.
    I'm not a fan of NTR, and I kind of dislike "family related sex" things. I tend to disassociate from the premise, and never think of myself in the protagonist position.

    In the beginning was only the NTR
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    but later was added interactions with girls at school... and that's was when it really hit hard.
    Sey (dark-haired girl) and Zoe (green-haired girl) "short routes" are so insanely good, holy shit... It gets out of the NTR
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    to the protagonist doing what he wants, basically changing the game's perspective, and now I could feel like I was playing, and not beeing just an observer.
    Being the observer is not bad at all, kind of the game initial proposal, but it really overcame overall quality with more choices of what can be done.
    The design and development of the characters are really good, the game 3d art is also amazing, very cute and likable.
    Even if they kept only on those initial kinks, it would still be a 5 stars game, but with those kink additions it's a definitely must play.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Coolest demo of RPG-Maker game!

    -There are plenty of scenes
    -Decent plot

    Very great potential.
    Can't wait when it is finished. (Hopefully soon)

    So far I can predict that there will be several routes:
    -Netorare ( Non-consensual cheating)
    -Netorase (Consensual cheating; bull doesn't force)
    -A futa charecter that dominates MC
    -Scenes with some charecters dedicated to MC/futa
    -A lot more GF/futa scenes with other charecters

    I hyped myself very much.

    I will definetely watch this game unfold.

    If I could I would definetely support this creator.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    As a demo, it's pretty good. The plot is a work in progress, but its enjoyable. There are some minor issues that appear (duplicate lines, spelling errors, mechanics not working exactly right), however due to the "demo" nature I think its easy to forgive. Dev seems to have issues with English, however imo it's easy enough to overlook. I hope the dev keeps up the work on this!
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    There is no nice way of saying this. This game is an utterly broken, lazy, and pathetic attempt. No versions have ever been initially playtested, there is very little effort but into translations, and the game completely breaks at every given opportunity. This should never have been uploaded to F95. It's simply nowhere near publishing standards.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Loving the direction and promise this game has. Strikes my fetishes perfectly and the community is new and alive. Hope this game will thrive and live into the future with plentiful content and not get bogged down in development hell or get abandoned if the creator gets bored.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    It is only a demo but it really seems to have a ton of potential in a niche that really doesn't get the proper attention. The girl and the Futa all look attractive and with different personalities. And besides some minor spelling issues (which I can deal with on the sliding scale of this game won't appeal to a great many people I can overlook). Again, really excited to see more in the future.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    How little content there is here and yes, this is an NTR game. Looks promising. If you close your eyes to some points, it's a very interesting idea. We rent our girl to mom because she is a futanari and she needs to satisfy her needs and our girl does not mind. A loving person will do everything for his mother. My God, how I'm waiting for new content!