It's the old game-over rape arguments all over again.
There is something to be said for complaints about the flow of the game when most of the porn is coming from game-over rape. Devs of these games are certainly aware that players are going to do their best to save right before the decision/combat/whatever, lose to get the porn, then load the game and continue to play. It's kinda built into the GoR idiom that the player wants to see the porn AND wants to see the rest of the game (in order to get the rest of the porn), and so no other real gameplay strategy makes sense. At the same time, nobody wants to repeat parts of the game that they just played through, so sometimes the dev shortcuts around the whole "reloading" part by just restarting the fight the player threw in order to get porn. That saves time but is from the player's perspective not much different than having to load a save (assuming the save isn't too far back).
In a sense, the idea of losing for porn is ingrained in the GoR genre. Heck, it's right in the name. If you weren't losing in order to get porn, it wouldn't get the game-over rape label in the first place. It's sort of a thematic necessity to keep the rape-dungeon story (such as it is) from falling apart. After all, the rape-happens-PC-dead-game-ends conceit does save the dev from having to explain in-story how the protagonist escapes from the rapist, which could get pretty contrived pretty quickly.
It's understandable that this sort of gameplay is pretty unsatisfying. Virtually no other type of game requires you to lose to every boss or enemy. Also, refinements of the GoR genre are usually limited to things like the reloading shortcut I mentioned above or suicide items so that you don't have to wait as long to lose a fight.
(What I'm waiting for is a game that does some meta-gaming self-awareness garbage, where the game actually reacts differently if you lose and reload the save versus not actually losing. Of course, every player is going to want all the porn the game has, so they're going to try to play it both ways, etc etc. Basically, what Undertale did: certainly someone will copy the idea in a porn game sometime.)
(That, or a GoR game that is secretly a puzzle game masquerading as an RPG. The PC is so overpowered that they literally CAN'T lose the fights (and get the porn) unless they figure out the right way to lose each individual fight. It'd be sorta like an ass-backwards Monmusu Quest, or like what was going on in that one Black Panda game.)