I thought this forum was a modified version of Xenforo? Technically Sam and F95 as the admins of the site are basically the top position here, it is their site, their house, and everyone else is basically a guest
Not really. All is rented.
The domain name is leased.
The server infra is rented as well.
What they own is the data but given all of the data is user generated content to some extend. They waiver any responsibility for the links to file hosting services and any copyrighted media attachments the users may attach to the posts.
We endeavor to credit the original authors, developers, and publishers accurately. All downloadable content linked from F95Zone is hosted by third-party services outside of our control, shared by individuals or groups unknown to us. F95Zone does not directly distribute or sell any content – our Service acts solely as a reference point to existing information and sources.
That's why — they depend on users. And any significantly large community thrives on rules and transparency.
Also, you keep the assumption the admins altered the posts. It doesn't matter who does it, rather that we established that it's a practice now. '
they can do what they like
Check out the
TOS. They work within the scope of compliance. Wouldn't that be the case — they'd be taken down already.