It's been quite a while since I've been on F95.
And I'd like to straight away raise the issue of leaking the game on this resource.
The request will be partially similar to the one I left on the Patreon page, but with some changes.
I will start by describing how unpleasant it can be when unscrupulous users leak your game literally in the first 10 minutes and only because you do not try to extra protect it. Though just wait two weeks and the game will be available absolutely free and with the full approval of the author.
For God's sake, wait at least 72 hours and even then our little team would have almost no sense of injustice. But no, it's important to do it in the first minutes, as if by this alone they show their disgusting attitude towards you and other people who faithfully support and do not engage in leaking.
Some might say, what's the big deal! What do I care if you don't get a few extra dollars!
In fact, with every version that gets leaked in the first few minutes of release, we're missing out on much more than even a few hundred. If you count that over the long haul it comes out to a very large sum.
And, therefore, we are not able to give up our main job and thus devote more time to the game and its development.
Maybe others will say it's an advertisement for my game, and it's all good for it.
Unfortunately ,I strongly disagree with you, because it's an unpleasant circumstance that turns many people off from support.
Why support a project when you can just steal it or take it for free. This blocks one of the most important factors: early access and exclusivity.
Now, due to the world situation and the interruption of the Patreon system and many other payment systems in my region, we have to spend 40% of our income to get some support.
Why we're writing all this.
Once a person, who was leaking games, said that if an author would have approached him and asked for a reasonable time not to do it, he would have agreed to it.
There are many people who every time leak our game and they are always different, you can not write to everyone in a private message, so we ask like this.
Our quite reasonable suggestion.
If the game is not leaked within a WEEK (not two weeks or a month), just a week from the publication of the test version, it will become perfectly legal anywhere.
The Patreon page will publish a post with an open link to the fresh version.
Of course this offer is only to make it convenient for everyone.
For us as authors and other people who for some reason can't or don't want to spend money.
If we don't succeed, in the future the latest versions will always go through an internal closed test and in addition we will think how to protect ourselves from such unpleasant situations.
First of all, this will affect ordinary users who will have to wait much longer for the update.
That’s it.