RPGM - Futa Quest [v1.95] [FutaBox]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    The art is good, but there's little of it per hour of gameplay. The real issue is the terrible writing. Every character sounds like a bitter nerd who never talks to people, especially the protagonist. They're women in theory, but if a bitter male nerd was in the body of a woman.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably the best futa game that I have tried, the art is excellent as well. I'm always looking into updates of the game.

    Edit: I don't get why this game gets such bad ratings.

    - Whoever doesn't like RPGM why did he even dowloaded it in the first place?
    - Ther's the possibility to change speed and even tp around the map
    - gameplay is fine if not for the lack of quests to follow

    - Whoever doesn't like RPGM why did he even dowloaded it in the first place?
    - Ther's the possibility to change speed and even tp around the map
    - gameplay is fine if not for the lack of quests to follow

    Game needs to be polished, but overall it's more than fine. There are games with better ratings but with far worse gameplay.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    I'll keep it real simple. The game was a 10/10 before the sudden decision to make the MCs cock hugely enormous. She was already hung, but the choice to make her that huge for the small amount of people that are into that inflation stuff was a terrible move.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing game i love keep the good work dont add males into the game keep it with futas and females and add characters like raven and tsunade will be so hot also i want to see more futa content from harley quinn girl and make her dick grow bigger a sex scene with roxy fucking each other would be amazing
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Review [v0.85 Test]

    Pros (technically):
    • Good arts in geral
    • Absence of bugs

    Pros (personal):
    • MC with a good personality;
    • MC futanari big dick;
    • Stomach bulge;
    • Cumflation.
    • Tedious and boring missions since it is necessary that you repeat the route (bed <-> objective) over and over again;
    • Map has a design with many objects hindering the displacement of the MC, making the missions even more tiring and boring;
    • Although the arts are good, they are quite limited in relation to the text. Some scenes the text is talking about a handjob and the image is of a kiss;
    • Few characters.
    • Add gallery and teleport point in part 1;
    • Add more beds and teleport points around the map, speeding up the mission process. Or adding a teleport item to the inventory;
    • More changes in CG character expressions during scenes increasing immersion with text (eye movement, lip bite, lewd expressions).
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    Futa quest is a decent all game with a lot of kinks and fetishes. I'll be ripping off a good the bad and ugly format here so this is easy to skim through but simply this game has some bad some good and a whole lot of ugly

    The good
    • Original CG and a decent art style
    • An RPGM game with a small map that is easy to navigate (Please anyone making an RPGM game take note)
    • A diverse range of fetishes*
    • A fair (not all) amount of the gallery is included in the game as a save (god bless this)
    The Bad
    • Some of the sex scenes can feel out of place
    • Some of the main cast characters are catered to more than others and have more content. (NBD normally but personally the characters with the most content are the least interesting)
    • Moments can take a very dark turn out of nowhere
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    • Map design. There are some very inopportune props that force you to walk around. (looking at you, double benches below the MC house!) This forces you to waste more time walking and enjoying the great diverse stock graphics RPGM has to offer
    The Ugly
    These depend on taste but are worth sharing.
    • The "heavily inspired" main cast: This is something fairly transparent and I don't know where it quite sits with me. The characters look like who they are meant to be but are completely different from the original. It feels a bit off but hey, I recall at least two other games where main characters are Defaults in Honey Select
    • Writing: I'll be honest other than the dark turns out of nowhere mentioned in the bad the writing is passable. About a C- to a D- in my book but I mostly cared for the CG then the writing.
    • Wait time in scenes. This one is more of a personal pet peeve but if I am watching a sex scene don't stop the text so a canned moaning effect can play.
    • The fetish's: These are a little all over the place and again vary massively in terms of the content. Femdom, Futa dom, Hypnosis, Corruption, Horse Wangs.
    • The game has got a lot to offer but it's jarring. Sometimes you spend ages working up to things. Others, *Pow* Horse wang in the kisser.
    I spent far too long writing this...
    The game is okay. Will I play it again? Probably but it would mostly be for the gallery.
    I personally don't think the game is as bad as its rating suggests but it needs polish, more content, and the removal of certain props. I would describe the game as rough but not deserving of its current raiting.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly, great game with awesome renders. Doesn't have any fancy interaction, just a day/night cycle that you have to spin through to clear stages of each quest. I love the game, just wishing that the updates were more frequent.
  8. T
    4.00 star(s)

    The Doom Slayer

    This game is surely not worth 1 or 2 stars that so many reviews give it. It HAS it's flaws with the biggest one being the big update times. But in this game it seems like the developer finnaly took the decision to finish and polish a game rather than abandon it to start a new one, and i really hope it stays that way. Some scenes are very hot, i just wish the mc's dick would be just a normal sized big dick rather than this enormous slong.
  9. 2.00 star(s)


    I'll give in 2 stars because the artwork is nice, shame there's hardly any of it, have to run around back and forth and skip time sleep skip time sleep etc just for the pay off to be 1/2 scenes that 90% aren't even sex or erotic. Way too much fluff added in for no pay off.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Game has a slow start but the overall content quality is excellent, one of the best futa protagonist games out there. It may be tricky to figure out what to do next at times, always try different things at different times of day if you're stuck.
  11. 1.00 star(s)

    Blaq Mask

    The art in this is pretty good, but the game has no respect for your time whatsoever. 99% of your time is spent running around to get the same scenes with maybe a tiny change from the last time. So much padding to artificially extend the length of the game.

    The story is nonsensical, but its importance will obviously vary for people. However, the dialogue is in dire need of an editor/proofreader. It's barely understandable at the best of times. And considering how much time is spent reading, it get real annoying real quick.

    Don't waste your time with this. It's a bunch of effort wasted grinding for barely any payout.
  12. 1.00 star(s)


    • Futa Quest has a very nice and charming 2D artstyle... and that's about it really.
    • The writing is amateurish at best and generally it's rather juvenile in the worst ways possible.
    • The "gameplay" is the lowest point of the game for sure: surprisingly grindy with its meaningless meandering trying to guess the next step in the flow of events.
    • The developer is one of those types that dislikes receiving any sort of criticism or suggestions for the game, so don't even bother giving feedback for the game because the dev ignores it 100%. He also lurks the thread and uses alt accounts to shoot down any such discussions.

    It's quite a shame to be honest that this game is so badly designed since games that focus on a futanari protag are quite rare...
    So I'd recommend that you at least give this a try if you're a fan of futa content since the art is good... but other than that, it isn't really worth the time.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    I've playing this game since the release and here is my thoughts about it.

    The main positive point of this game is the art. The rest is okayish.

    The negative part is the whole plot is generic at best "you have a dick and there a lot of dumb girls to fuck", the boredom you get if you try to play from the start, repetitive scenes, girls too dumb and very submissive . Made me wonder... Why is the protagonist a Futa anyway?A male protagonist would make no difference for the plot... The whole hide the dick isn't even that interesting since barely make a difference.

    In my opinion, the Dev could make the plot much more interesting by the fact that the protagonist is a Futa that can be fucked and make the whole "can't be discover" a thing . Make the protagonist be blackmailed by one of the girls and have to obey and do humiliating things in public or have a competition trying to fuck the protagonist and the girls, like another Futa. In other words, make the protagonist lose the control over the situation.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    + The art is good. That's the only reason I'm giving it two stars. Pretty much every other aspect of this game could be improved substantially.

    - I didn't care for the writing or story. I know the developer was trying to be funny but honestly some of the characters were pretty cringe. The MC in particular doesn't come across as "dominant" just sleazy.

    - This isn't really a game. It's a visual novel made with RPG maker, which makes it a visual novel lots of tedious extra steps.

    -You can't really make choices. Most of the time you're just choosing between advancing the story and an instant game over.

    In summary
    I hope someone lend the dev 60$ so they can get VN maker. Even if they fixed all the game play issues this would only at best be an average game. If you like the art just wait for someone to release an image pack after the game is completed or something.
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    First the positive attributes, nice art style, good concept, interesting story. Now the 2 stars reason: too much grinding, way too much grinding, it'll be bearable if the quests where somewhat entertaining or funny like summertime saga but it ain't, and it is so grinding to the point it'll make you drop it. I don't see a future for this game unless they make it easier and I know I sound like a game journalist but we are here to fap not to do quests.
  16. 1.00 star(s)

    Ser Lordypants

    I really wanted to like this one. The futa mc is different and interesting, the girls are hot. But this game just isn't good. And the updates are infrequent and very tiny.

    The scenes are few and far between. There's still so little sexual content. Things haven't even started to get spicy, yet it's been such a long wait. And the small few scenes that actually exists are not animated, just a couple cgs, so they're not satisfying or special at all. Just weak teases.

    It's rpgm so everything takes 1000 times longer than it needs to. Which covers up the fact that the game is 95% grinding and walking back and forth. If it was a ren'py it would take like 20 minutes to finish. (To the triggered guy down there calling out other reviewers, THAT is the very valid reasoning for disliking rpgm.)

    This game is going nowhere fast. At this rate it wouldn't be finished for another 5 years. It's disappointing because I do like the concept and the girls. I wish I could say that support could turn this into a solid game but that's just not the reality. It's much more likely to just be abandoned like the previous games. I followed for a bit, but it's time to give up on expecting anything from this.
  17. 1.00 star(s)


    Wow, this game is hot garbage. Slow, unskippable cutscenes, no option to speed up dialogue, frustrating and confusing ""gameplay"", disappointing scenes and just overall incompetence, especially in the grammar and spelling department. The slow unskippable cutscenes would at least be bearable if the dialogue was in cohesive and comprehensive english. But like everything else in this game, it's far from it.
  18. P
    2.00 star(s)


    Obviously this is only my opinion.

    • The art is pretty good!
    • The story has the average porn game feel to it. Not special, not bad. The writing has a bit of engrish here and there.
    • There's no reason to use rpgmaker other than to waste the players time. Should've made this game a VN. It's basically a grindy walking simulator.
    I played the game for about 4 hours which could've been 1 hour if I didn't have to repeat the same sequence of events over and over again.

    You wake up, go somewhere to work so you can buy that thing a character wanted, but you get paid very little so you gotta pass the time or do something else for the rest of the day. Repeat all of that 3 times so you can buy the thing.

    Give it to the character and now you gotta progress through a scene which takes 3-5 interactions. You can only interact with it once per day.

    (Reviewing version 0.55)
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    I absolutely disagree with the two last "reviews", indeed, I put the word review in quotes because these people don't try to assess the game but just pour their negativity trying to underscore it.
    I want to fix this cause I really like this game.

    Now, about the review:
    I don't consider RPGMaker as something bad just because!
    Apparently, the author put a lot of love in the maps and spent some time to create them so that they don't look empty.
    Each girl has her own room that shows her personality.
    Standart "low@ chibis were remade into normal.
    Maps and chibis definitely get +

    I've been watching Futabox since they started their game "Futa in the police academy" and I liked their art.
    Now, when their artist improved his drawing skills, the art became something outstanding.
    A big plus sign, unconditionally +

    I never thought that watching the story of two characters Kate and Maiko in a porn game would be interesting.
    Kate - a funny, cheerful girl that very similar to the main char( you know what I mean)
    Maiko - an incredible bitch that I hope will be punished soon!
    One more plus sigh +

    Quality of the text:
    It has some mistakes and misprints but not critical and it doesn't spoil the impression of the game.

    Each location has its original light music and sometimes it can be changed to some other music depending on the situation.
    It is the only author I've ever seen that adds some short sounds to dialogues at certain moments.
    +, + and one more + from me.

    Well, I must be objective and get to disadvantages and controversial points.
    Waste of time running through locations.
    Since the game has nothing similar to grind, I don't consider it a minus. It doesn't matter if you walk around in this game or skip another recurring dialogue for the hundredth time in some other game on RenPy.

    Sometimes old saves in this game stop working as soon as the new version is released!
    I wanted to call it a disadvantage but I remember that the author warns about it every time and adds actual saves.
    Few developers care about such things, most of them just remake their games and tell us to delete old saves.
    So, in my opinion, it's +/-

    It's a minus, obviously!
    I like to watch the scenes I've already played before and don't understand why the author didn't do it right at the start.
    So I give it -.
    (Clarification) they promised to do it in version 0.75. If this happens, I'll change my mind.

    I played the game and didn't meet any trouble, I didn't have to ask someone's help.
    I see it can be a problem for the others so it's a +/-

    I give it 5 (and maybe a small minus)!
    The game is definitely worth your attention if you're a futanari lover!
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    As of 0.55, the entire game is one giant cock block. So much time between each scene that I went soft between them even when holding the 'speed up' key. Which needs to be faster, in all honesty. Some of the scenes, even when holding the button, took up to 5 MINUTES to get through.
    Every one of the 'princesses' are irritating bit**es that I kind of just wanted to wash my hands of right after meeting them.
    There were also too many scenes of the Headmaster non-consensually beating the freaking TAR out of your character and the nurse. This game needs a rape tag with what she was forcing the nurse to do after and even during some of the beatings.
    I would have given it 2 stars for a few instances of funny dialogue, but the negatives far outweighed that.
    The saves are useless nearly every patch, as well. So each time there's an update, you either use the 'already done' patch the poster adds in, or start aaaaall the way over again and again.