Welcome to baby's first 120 days of sodom. Enjoy your stay.
Seriously, someone get me a red hot poker iron; because I want to bash in the brains of every single person who is affiliated with FutadomWorld. Why, yes, I would love to play a super obnoxious mini-game in the middle of my porn. What's that? The controls are horseshit and they get slower as you get more intoxicated? Lovely, just what I always wanted. OH!? The time to complete the game gets shorter, by ten seconds, every time you beat the game? PERFECT! I could just kiss you, IF I DIDN'T WANT TO CHEW YOUR FACE OFF SO FUCKING MUCH!
I hate to say it, but this game makes me want to become Ted Bundy. Even the only "nice" character is a horny cunt and paying an infinitely increasing amount of money makes me want to kidnap every character and bring them to a basement for prolonged torture sessions. Fuck baby's first 120 days of sodom. Welcome to Breeding Season 2.0, may god have mercy on the development team's souls. Because, when I find them, I SURE AS HELL WON'T!