Fuck yes! Please, for the love of all things holy I hope they do this. If it's another dev that isn't part of the main team then they can easily have the conversion happening alongside the development of new content. I hate being excited for things that aren't for certain, but I can't help it. :'(4. Porting FDW to Ren'Py
They're just looking into hiring someone to do this, unknown if it will actually happen
Ideally it would make it smoother, easier to code, thus implementing new features should be easier; hopefully leading to faster development. Of course, that entirely depends on the ability of the programmer they hire. Personally I want it for the rollback feature, the ability to alter the variables, take screenshots, the ease of making mods for the game, and the fact that Ren'py is generally a very lightweight program that can be put on almost any operating system. I suppose the only difficult feature to convert over is that drinking mini-game with Vicky. Ren'py also seems to attract players, so maybe that would help spread the word of this game?Ren'py maybe will make the game less buggy and easier(fast) to code?
You've got to be shitting me? Game Maker isn't the worst thing in the world but for a 'point & click', visual novel style of game that's a real head scratcher of a decision they made. Now I REALLY hope the Ren'Py conversion comes to being.FALLENCAT56 we know they're using Game Maker
Which one? There hasn't been an update since v0.2.1 which is publicANyone has acess to the newest update on their patreon feed?
That's kinda overkill don't you think? It's like buying a sledgehammer and a pneumatic drill to fix a loose screw. :coldsweat:oh Man i bought me a 4k monitor and a 1080ti graphiccard to play this game but they dont release anything...