Triple A titles are like this because there's lots of retards like you that support such practices in the first place, how hard is to not buy something from EA? Also there's pretty much no difference in the patreon scheme and buying dlcs, at least in a triple A game you can get like 10hours+ gameplay.
okay ... deep breath... retards like me... who support EA... since you know so much about me tell me when was the last time i bought a game from EA? i haven't bought an EA title since the disaster that was C&C4 and i never in my life payed for any microtransactions... little hint: don't assume shit about people if you don't know them... attacking me but trying to defend the BS the AAA publishers pull is kind of stupid...
also: 10 hours worth of gameplay? WHAT? let's travel back in time... baldurs gate, spent months playing it, BG2 months again... morrowind... i still play it once in a while... C&C up to tiberian twilight, spent months playing... dungeon keeper 1&2 almost was kicked out of school for staying at home gaming (gosh my mom was furious)
10 hours +... LOL! that is how far the AAA industry has brought us...
oh and now for your insults... if i'm a retard what are you?
how many languages do you speak? i speak three... in diesem sinne hab noch einen schönen tag du hornochse
y vaya y chinga tu madre pendejo...