Unity - Gacha Cummy [v1.1] [CummyStudio]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Doom Marine

    The idea of the game itself is good! It's a gacha crossover game with several gacha characters from different franchises.

    Although the story is light and cheerful, the gameplay is totally grindfest. I had to play for almost 8 hours to get 4 MC servants to the maximum level. The combat is automatic, you don't have the right to choose the enemy you want to attack first. Just to give you an idea, when a troll came during the fights, this enemy had a lot of health and a lot of damage, and the servants randomly attacked all the enemies on the team instead of focusing on the real danger of the battle, you know? If it were something similar to Fate/Go in terms of battle, where we can attack whoever the player selects, also having something similar to special, where MC servants do more damage, something similar to NP from Fate/Go servants would be easier and less of a grindfest.

    Also let's say that it took me almost 8 hours to get to the lewd content. Seriously, it's a porn game, posted on a porn forum but without porn content. The porn content of this game is very weak. For a game to be good it has to be balanced in this aspect like 50% gameplay, 50% lewd content. And in this point Cummy with friend, from the same dev, did better!

    So, in conclusion, the most I can give it is 3 stars, not much and not little. It has potential to grow but it's still raw!
  2. 5.00 star(s)

    Vacant Eyes

    I don't understand the middling score. This is genuinely the best gacha game I've ever played, and I've played like 3 (including Boringshin Impact). The writing isn't revolutionary, and it doesn't have to be. The story is passable, but the character writing was definitely the main focus and will keep you engaged. The combat gameplay loop could definitely use some more active components other than ultimate usage (or maybe I'm just missing something). The relic rolls are a nice dopamine hit. The characters each clearly follow tropes, but they're comical and satirical so it works just fine. Fun, lighthearted dialogue. Very solid work from a small dev who wanted to make something enjoyable, and it is.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    The game's fine, I see a lot of complaints about grindy gameplay but its a Gacha game what'd you expect?

    Currently the game is lacking a lot in content but the artwork is fairly decent and the gameplay is not hard to figure out, you can leave the game on in the backround and finish the game with minimal effort
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    TLDR: The game is a grindfest and the fact that you get characters just like in a gacha but with no guaranteed after a certain number of "pulls" you are stuck getting copies over and over again. The battles are automatic with no input from you. Not recommended

    1st - The battle system does not require your input, it simply spawns your character and they choose what to do base on the situation, of course the AI sucks at making decisions, not to mention that the game expects you to farm waves and waves of enemies for resources yet you cannot influence the battle in any way other than creating a line up.

    2nd - The gacha is 100% RNG as mentioned in other reviews, which means that if you want to get a specific charater... good luck! Because that is literally it! LUCK! No other factors come into play.

    3rd - The scene and heroines. While the female cast is very appealing, the grind is just to unbearable to justify it with just pretty pictures, because the game does not contain animated scenes. The juice ain't worth the squeeze with this one.

    Conclusion: There are much better similar games, that explore the same "management" mechanic and do much better with the scenes and their respective grind.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Grindy autobattler. Recruiting new characters is, like the name says, 100% RNG which is terrible design. I got 6 copies of the same starter character (out of like 12 possible) and gave up. Unlocking CG events requires enormous grind as well.
  6. 2.00 star(s)

    God of Debauchery

    This review is for V1.0

    TLDR: more of a grind than a game, more of a game than an H product.
    You would be better off playing something else if you are looking for engaging gameplay and especially if you are looking for H content.

    So after several hours of playing, there has not been a single H scene, and looking at the gallery, there is only a total of 6 scenes.
    This is really bad for a game that literally has cum in the title and wants to be a harem game.

    As a concept, it immediately fails because it made the mistake of trying to make gatcha mechanics work in a game...period.
    There is a reason why the only games that have successfully used gatcha mechanics are called pay-2-win, and it's only a success in that it is considered gambling and therefore brings in the company that made the game a lot of money from people with poor impulse control.
    The few times that games have incorporated gatcha mechanics without having some method of just buying absurd amounts of the currency needed to just get what you want has never ended well because as far as actual games are concerned, it is just an annoying concept that massively pads the runtime of a game.

    That aspect aside, the game fails in several areas, primarily in that the grind is absolutely abysmal and the game fails to guide the player adequately in several important areas.
    For example, I did not know that I could level up my character in a specific menu because I was going to the wrong menu all together, and then I did not know that I actually had equipment I could equip until I randomly happened to be going through the menus seeing if there was any way to speed up the game, and then once again I did not know that I could walk around at the "camp" until I got tired of grinding while trying to figure out when the cathedral would be built because the game never discusses movement with the player, AND THEN ONCE AGAIN EVEN FURTHER I did not know that some missions are only able to be started by clicking on the journal tab and hitting the start quest button, which resulted in me massively over leveling with just two characters to the point that I was one shoting every enemy in the story until I got bored because 3 hours of gameplay had gone by and the closest thing to H content I had seen was Aura's giant tits covered by fabric.

    Moving on to the H content, I genuinely cannot say anything about it because as mentioned before, after hours of grinding and playing the game, I did not see a single thing even close to H content unless you count Aura just being...well...Cow Tits McGee all the time.

    The combat can be fairly annoying if you don't know that you can slap some starting equipment on right at the very beginning, as you basically just have to hope the RNG doesn't throw you up against 4 slimes all at the same time that are all at your level, because then they will just lock you into an infinite loop of team healing with petty damage, forcing you to abandon the loop.
    Aside from that specific scenario though, the main thing the game needs to add is the ability to select a target for your party to focus on, because they will literally just go for whatever random enemy happens to win at an invisible roulette, making fights way more annoying than they need to be.

    So the game fails to be fap worthy, fails to have engaging gameplay, fails to explain things sufficiently to the player, and just kind of fails all around actually outside of the standing character art for the female characters (the male characters all basically look like a discount Akabur drawing of a dude in a cloak, and the first Mario game had better environment art).

    So overall (assuming this is an early version of the game since it doesn't have the completed tag and it is very barebones), I have to give the game a 2/5, and that 2/5 is being generous specifically because it is incomplete.
    If this were a finished product, I would give it a 1/5 because as is, it is not worth the time in the slightest unless you have a gambling addiction, crippling depression, and a lot of free time.
  7. 4.00 star(s)


    Honestly? I'm amazed that 'offline gachas' aren't more of a thing....
    The fact that this even exists is a plus in and of itself, never mind that it's a gacha about summoning other gacha girls!

    Alright, let's get started.

    - The fact that this is a legit F2P gacha experience!
    - Simple gameplay loop that's familiar and well done.
    - The art is simple, but good and actually gives the girls a distinct touch thanks to the art style.
    - The writing is good, which is what actually will carry the story seeing as the setup is as basic as you can get. If anything, the simple background premise actually helps here as it allows for the good writing and character interactions to be the main focus here, something you can see right from the beginning with how the MC/digital us acts and interacts with the world and the world with us/MC.
    - Harem raising, team building, earn your lewds experience.
    - Room for expansion and growth that mirrors the sort of endless potential actual gachas have, and with none of the whaling or 'need' to spend cash.

    - Because this is true F2P from beginning to end, grinding will be necessary. This isn't really a con to me and your mileage may vary, but I've learned that modern gamers are lazy, entitled little shits who have ZERO CLUE what real grinding is like so yes, have to put that as a potential con.
    - The writing is good and the interactions well written overall, but the script does suffer from some grammatical hiccups here and there. Not a big minus, and nothing that another round of editing for a future patch can't fix, but still something to keep in mind if overall polish is something that matters to you.
    - This 'is' a gacha, so if that's not your cup of tea, than the very nature of this game and its gameplay loop will be an immediate turn off. Again, your mileage may vary, but I left it as a con simply for the fact that some gamers out there might feel that way. I don't, but then... I like these kinda games myself due to their RPG nature.
    - The only 'major' cons, for me at least, are that you can't manually target enemies and that only the S rank characters have an affection stat....
    The former is tolerable and isn't something I'll stress as much over but know for a fact that ppl WILL complain about. The later, is more important to me since part of the fun of collecting these girls is to raise their affection too, so the inability to do so honestly kills a lot of my motivation to bother collecting anyone who 'isn't' an S rank. Essentially, they automatically feel less relevant and not really worth bothering to try to collect if they aren't on the same page in the affection game. I'm not saying everyone needs an event or quest, though it would be nice, but it's about raising and maxing those stats as well as player attachment. I don't really subscribe to game meta.... I'm all about the waifus, so if I can't do that... yeah, this will never be a 5/5 for me. A minor thing, but there you go. It's important to me.

    Right now, and because the game is still very, VERY early in development, this is the most I can say about it without speaking about anything spoilery, so yeah... it currently sits at a 4, 4.5/5 for what the game currently gives us.
    A very good concept to see here and one worth at least giving a try for yourself.

    I'm personally very much gonna keep an eye on it.
    Good job devs!