Does anyone have the files for Miyu from 2.0.2 by any chance? I don't know if that will make her work without having to delete her files, but it might be worth a shot.
I tried putting statue files from a different character into her folder and renaming them. It caused another character to appear in her place, and when I clicked on it, her preview images were there, but loading into a map with her still caused the game to freeze.
I assume the files are corrupted or something. I tried deleting only
statue_miyu.dmc.part, then I tried deleting only
statue_miyu.dmc, and then I tried deleting one and renaming the other, and the game still froze both times. I only got the game to load by deleting both.
This sucks because I really like Miyu and her poses.
I got her to work. I deleted the statue files from the current version and dropped the statue file from the 2.0.2 version into the folder, and the game both loads and lets me use Miyu. I attached the file.