I imagine this game to be in 3d and realistic (a good example are most renpy games on these forums). Considering the fact that this game should be realistic, you should be able to choose whether you want the game to be gory or not.
It could either be a sandbox game completely centred around torturing the main characters penis and removing it in a few different ways. You should also be able to decide what to do afterwards with it (destroy it, toss it away, etc).
The other option would be a story based game, in which could play the main protagonist, who wants to remove his penis. During the story, he could torture his penis in several scenes making him up his hatred for it. When his hatred reaches a certain value, you should be able to remove his penis. The higher the value, the more brutal ways are at your disposal to remove it.
The story could also feature side characters, which you can tell about the vn‘s desire in the process of the story. They might react in different ways. While some might condone your plan, others might support you and even help you torture and remove it.
Those are of course basic ideas. Everyone is free to use this story line or a variation, if anyone ever decides to create a game like this.