VN Version: Ch4 - P2 - R1
I plan to edit this later as more of the story and characters develop, but I just can't help myself leaving a quick review to share my thoughts on what I think is my new #1 VN overall.
Score Breakdown
Storytelling: 5/5
Renders: 4.8/5
Characters: 5/5
Lewd Content: 3/5
Gameplay: 5/5
I'm genuinely blown away by the dev's ability to carefully weave multiple subplots together in such a way that they become the main plot. It's NYTimes best selling author levels of writing that I can't praise enough due to how each subplot builds on itself while also methodically bringing in the next subplot. It all culminates in an overarching theme that leaves you questioning every decision you make, which is something almost no other mainstream VN has done to date (aside from the non-sexual ones).
This might be a bit more obvious, but the renders in this VN are top teir - probably top 5 if I had to give a ranking. However, there are a few areas where attention to detail would've benefited the dev greatly, especially regarding the clipping on some of the outfits for the main LIs. Additionally, the Ahegao style facial features have a tendancy to rip me out of the overall fantastic immersion created by the characters and story.
If you ever wanted a textbook example of how to use a character sheet when writing a novel, this dev is it. Every character that's appeared in the story has a strict personality with clear motives and goals behind their actions. The clearest example is Julia - a half-demon (I think?) - who tends to be evasive and scheming each time we have a conversation with her. However, it's slowly revealed - through mistakes on her part and through other characters - that she has an intense loving connection to the MC which affects the decisions she makes as she prioritizes him over everything else.
The other cast of characters - especially the LIs - all have similar levels of attention with each having a unique personality that adds to experience. It also adds to the emotions the dev is trying to elicit form the player by making you genuinely question whether using your unique powers to "corrupt" their hearts is something you're willing to do despite the cirucmstances if you don't.
Lewd Content
This is the only source of disappointment I have with the VN stems from. When a dev makes the decision on whether they're going to create an adult themed VN or not, the lewd scenes are a huge factor in the overall enjoyment.
So, rambling aside, why am I disppointed with the lewd scenes here? It stems from the stylistic choice by the dev to use awkward camera angles alongside stiff animations. The combination of both means that you're hardly left satisfied as you're left wondering: "what the fuck kind of position are these two in?". The only positive I have to say is that it seems as though this is slowly being improved upon each update as Chapter 4 has some of the best lewd scenes so far.
Gameplay (Major Spoilers)
This is a new section primarily unique to this VN specifically due to how the choices and lewd content are implemented. The general idea is that your choices absolutely do matter, and the powers you pick can adversly affect how successful you are in lewd scenes.
To elaborate on that last point: the dev has implemented a rather unique approach to lewd content in that you gain "demonic power" for each point you increase. There are two main paths you can take when "corrupting" an LI, which are not mutually exclusive: corruption, or attraction. Attraction appeals to a gentler, more loving side of the MC as you focus on making your partner feel comfortable and ensuring they climax as much as possible. Corruption, on the other hand, prioritizes pushing boundaries and exploring different kinks without too much care about how your partner feels. Once you reach a certain amount of attraction/corruption points you increase it's level, which alters future scenes with said character.
Demonic points are the currency used by the dev for different powers which make future lewd scenes easier to navigate. For example, you can make it easier to gain arousal with your partner, or start with a level of arousal right of the bat. This matters a great deal as each upgrade helps you to gain more attraction/corruption points, which in turn generate more demonic points and vastly improve the process of making your partner dependant on you.
That ties into the wider picture regarding how much your choices affect the story, and - by extension - the relationships you will have with each LI. Each character has their own desires and preferences which they hint at during conversations. If you fail to pick up on that then the relationship you have with said character will suffer: either in terms of their love towards you, or their overall desire to help you survive the upcoming events. The main theme of the story centers on the fact that YOU don't have to stick to the status quo, and in several instances you're rewarded for focusing on your humanity rather than giving in to your demonic side.
Overall, the gameplay mechanics at work behind the scenes are already more complex than every single top rated VN out there (with very few exceptions). There isn't a clear path forward for you to get the "best" outcome as that's purely subjective based on your personality. This section played the largest role in why this VN received a perfect score despite the lewd scenes being disappointing.
*Edit: I forgot to format a section title like an absolute knobhead.