VN - Unity - Completed - Game of Seduction [v1.01] [maratan]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    The beginning - where the MC rants about his god complex - is absolute shit. There are a frustrating number of grammatical errors; the game is glitchy (I turned the sound to 0 in-game, but it kept reverting every couple seconds); and the way they use "S" and "M" instead of sadist or masochist makes the glaring grammar errors infinitely worse.

    Despite all of that, the game is quick, there's a clear walkthrough and the scenes are nice enough. The game does what it set out to do - present a nice little bdsm story - so it's a 4/5.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I mean, I love that type of shit.
    Femdom game, multiple endings, whith a lot of choices.
    That's all I want, and that's all I need.
    If only all games with femdom contents can really have multiple endings like that, the world would be better.