Seeking Game where the heroine gets fucked by a good guy who is actually a bad guy


Jun 13, 2017
Good Afternoon,

I'm looking for games where the heroine gets used by the antogonist or a bad guy parading as a good guy. Granende 3 lightly showcased this. Bonus points if the bad guy has a long term relationship with the heroine and her family.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.


New Member
Mar 11, 2020
A Mother's Love, I feel, is a good example of this. The protagonist can be played like an absolute dirtbag. Might fit the bill.


Oct 27, 2017
Rance series? Except I'm not sure Rance even pretends to be good. I've been playing EcchiSensei again lately and I feel like that kind of qualifies as well, though I don't think the developer realizes it - but the MC is basically a serial cheater who takes advantage of tons of teenage girls while thinking of himself as a good husband/father etc. so, not really a bad guy feel but he is definitely kind of a bad person.
I'd probably say a lot of NTR games fall under this category as well, though not from the bad guys perspective. In the sense that they often pretend to be good to seduce the women, 'Holding Hands' was one I played recently.