Seeking Gameplay revolves around unlocking scenes (which are also good duh)


New Member
Feb 23, 2024
Might be similar in idea with this thread: as far as I can tell, but there weren´t too many answers, and reactivating old threads is frowned upon in most places, so I decided to make a new, more specific one. Could be that the one answer actually hit the nail, but then I don´t seem to find the "sandbox" tag...? (also not sure it necessarily needs to be sandbox in the usual sense).

Anyhow, to be a little more specific: I want the gameplay to mostly or completely revolve around unlocking scenes/women (which seems like it should be common enough, yet I always seem to find games where this is not really the case, and istead the scenes happen just at unpredictable places in the story, and player agency is small or inexistent; or where such mechanisms are more of an afterthought, or at least a minor part next to gameplay not directly working toward scenes, or not in foreseeable ways; or where you get "rewarded" for losing). There should be some way for me to judge my progress at least to some degree, and there should ideally be multiple options, with at least some choice regarding whom or what (scenes/sexual activities) I want to pursue. And there should be some teasing along the way, ideally by showing off, and interacting with, the girls I am trying to get in the sack. All of which worked perfectly well in Hunie Pop (although I am not normally a puzzle game player), but that disappoitingly didn´t even have full-on sex scenes at all.

So the game(s) should also have good, long, full-on sex scenes, that are well thought out and well made. Stylewise, I must say I am not yet convinced of the 3D style common in recent years, and I think I would rather just have some well-drawn 2D pictures; perhaps with some voice, some choice regarding what exactly will happen, and maybe in an individual style, although none of that is strictly necessary, and I would also play a purely text-based game if it´s well written.

Thirdly, the pacing is important to me as I don´t have that much time, and I don´t like to stand up from a session and not be satisfied sexually speaking (all the more so since that seems to cause sleeplessness for me). There probably should be some pacing to build anticipation, but it shouldn´t take forever; ideally, I´d have sessions of between one and two hours, during which time I would find one to several of the better scenes, and leave satisfied without having to spend more time than I can spare.

Summertime Saga, Peeping Dorm Manager, Crush Crush, Mirror and maybe Innocent Witches (not sure how well that fits?) are already on my list; not yet sure how good the scenes will be in those, but I will probably try them. Someone at reddit recommended Witch Trainer Silver, which is good conceptually speaking, but seems slow to get to the good bits (just someone showing me their tits is going to do it for me), and perhaps it is also that the drawings are kind of so-so. I also already know and like Fenoxo games (though they have much more furriness & such than I normally like), although I am not sure whether they really fulfill my criteria, as you stumble on scenes with every step you take in those. Doesn´t need to be a game that is on here, although the collection here is certainly impressive! Thanks for any recommendations!
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Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
In terms scene density and having to "work" for the content, the trainer genre might be up your alley, but the length depends on the game. The big popular ones have at least a few hours' worth of playtime. For your needs, even though it's Honey Select which also kept me away for a bit, I recommend ioY, which has hard sex from early on (at least, after the into, which you can skip / see a summary). It only has one major plot choice to make (harem / sluts path), but gives you some nonlinearity in what order you progress the girls (of which there are 3 major ones).

Other trainers usually have a certain progression of dirty talk -> flashing -> lapdance -> handjob etc etc., which can take a few hours to get to anything heavy. E.g. Witch Trainer, which is also really good but has that kind of progression.

Feel free to necro old threads. It's not frowned upon at all, in fact that "similar threads" thing pretty much encourages it.

Oh, and by "sandbox tag", they meant this.
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New Member
Feb 23, 2024
Ah yes, the "trainer" concept sounds not too bad/I did like that in Witch Trainer Silver in principle, though I fear I might often be struggling with my time constraints yet again... always a problem with everything... Was also thinking maybe the "Beat" games by Alicesoft, which seem to be similar in concept. Thank you also for your other hints! Seems I did not yet fully grasp all the forum´s functionalities.