Unity - Gamer Struggles [v0.1.4] [The Cumbusters]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    every once in a while i run into a game like this that is clearly the result of some kind of identity crisis.

    Gamer Struggles is, in fact, a video game, technically speaking. it has mechanics -- floaty movement, hitstun that lasts a little too long, stamina management that doesn't matter -- but none of that is really relevant to you or the devs. this is a scene viewer with platforming elements.

    as a scene viewer, it's betting the house on the art. for what it's worth, that art is pretty good! it's painterly and vibrant, and clearly made with a passion that you just don't see enough from most other Western games on this site. it double-dips, too, with both pixel-art animation and high-res painted CGs. that's ambitious, but you won't catch me complaining about more porn in my porn.

    that said, if this is a scene viewer, i don't understand what the point of the aforementioned mechanics are. to be clear: why is this a video game?

    the game part of this game feels completely at odds with the rest of the project. sure, the writing is terrible, but at least you can skip through that. you can't skip through the one-dimensional levels or the afterthought that is combat, so why are they there at all? yes, the game is obviously unfinished, but it has shown next to zero intent to make those mechanics better. the platforming has been this bad for a while, people.

    the cynic in me wants to say that the "game" exists to pad out the wait time between updates and squeeze more money out of the poor saps who are paying monthly to play this, but i think it's more accurate to call this an ambitious project by an underqualified developer and an overqualified artist. the whole shebang probably should have just been an animated comic.
    Likes: fdfggfd
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Fun game, nice art, gameplay took me a bit to get used to. Got frustrated dodging those bushes that shoot, cant wait to see more.

    Maybe some customization options would be fun, and i always appreciate the mobile versions ! Keep it up.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great artstyle and the vn is very cumbrained! While the art is great and the novel parts are good the game is still quite short with little to no gameplay. If this game is still being continually updated i would love to see it.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    O O O H.... HELL YEAH¡¡¡ I love so much that kind of Art style on some Characthers or NPC specially on the MC that has that vibe of no splepings with glasses messy hair and THICC i loved that, Still yhis game its too early to rewiev BUT IT HAS lot of potentiall But like a LOT, I hope it gets more content and specially more animations, the gameplay its fun but it need and option to change controls. And thats it the idea pretty good the history its kinda inexistent but it can be better in the future. 9/10
    (Very sorry for my bad english in this one i can't express myself good in english xd)
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Not a furry, but after playing this game - maybe I am. The gameplay is alright, perfect for a porn game - pretty easy and engaging enough. Art is toptier, if only "regular" porn games had art half as good as this. Oh well, guess I will have to be a furry now.
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    it's alright. Not an amazing game by any means, but it gets the job done. I'm not a fan of the control scheme though, if you're not playing on a Qwerty keyboard it can get awkward at times, especially when trying to avoid the many cheap shots the game regularly throws at you. Not to the point of making the game difficult, but it's a little bit more annoying than it should.

    The artstyle is really cool and alluring, and it does its job at conveying the impact of movements during sex scenes really well. These are pretty short, and I wish the enemies would have a few lines of dialogue during the scenes, but that's a minor gripe.

    However, the dialogues that are already there are very, very poorly written. I understand you're playing as a shut-in whose vocabulary is pretty... Gamer-y... But giving the narrator the same style of writing as the MC is really grating after the first scene. The story itself has a nice hook when you watch the intro cutscene, but that's pretty much it about the main theme of the game; it never delves deeper than that for now, it's a very short demo.

    Also, an annoying thing about the intro is that there's no way to speed up the dialogue, only skipping it, and some sentences cut to the next before even finishing, which really harms what the cutscene is going for. But overall, it's a really cool game, and I'd be interested to see what direction it's gonna take in the future.
  7. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 4509998

    Off to a really good start, the sprite animation is really good and the designs are just eye candy. Just as everyone else's saying ofc it needs more content as it's still very early in development just puting this out to posting the review really, nice game
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Has some Lewd Leaf vibes, won't be surprised if the author actually gained inspiration from it. Love the art, though, i'm not a female furry lover. If you like short platformers and if you played Lewd Leaf- can definetly recommend.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    The animations are really good, fighting could get a little more work to make it unique as it's really simple, make consensual sex with the random talking NPC's, but all all around had fun for it's current state!
  10. 1.00 star(s)


    Liked it at the beginning but played it agian and I gotta say it gets bland fairly quickly. The Animations are choppy, very little variation in terms of enemies, you just slide around the ground like crazy, the art is subpar, least the voice lines are kind of nice until you realize the voice is done by someone without any prior experience and it shows.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Decent gameplay , solid all around, it doesn't need much improving on the controls just make a little harder.

    The H-scenes and animation are the best part of it. REALLY high quality stuff.
    The dialogue and character are fun, FEMC is cute and funny af, but everything about is pretty stupid and that's good.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Very promising, excellent art style and engaging gameplay, although combat is more of a place holder as there is not much reason to actually fight enemies apart from the bosses but i expect this to change.

    Only thing i'd say thats really missing is more sound effects on h scenes but given how fresh the project is i can see this improving over time as they get more funding
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    really nice art, funny writing that can be a bit cringy and drag on, and competent platforming & combat, though you will probably run past everyone with the iframe dash.

    the game's main content is a cutin or full scene cg variations + pixel animations, though the pixel animations are a little 'blurry' if compared to something that directly relies on pixel animations like kincaid. it's all rendered really nicely and the game has a solid enough foundation to get more content and come out great.

    my only real issue is not much sound in the h department? there's definitely a bare minimum going on there for the animations and scenes, so it would be nice to see it get fleshed out as it is an important part of combat sex type games like these
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is off to an extremely good start. The artwork is some of the best I’ve ever seen (incredible. stunning. perfect even) and the three h-scenes so far are all great. The gameplay is a little buggy, but really not so bad, and the mechanics are simple but fun.
    This took about 15 minutes to complete, but I'm hoping they'll be able to update it consistently!

    (Don't forget you can use the Ctrl key to speed up text)
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Actually really good for the amount of content that's currently in the game itself. Though, I wouldn't mind if the text had an option to be sped up or have it be faster in general.

    In hindsight though, the content itself is fairly high quality for pixel animation. And the CG itself it also rather nice in turn.

    All in all, good all around.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    0.0.8 Great start for a game. I don't "usually" like furry games but the art and designs in the game are 5/5. The 3 animations/endings in the game are all amazing and can't wait to see what they cook up next. I can see the writing being a lil corny for people but I actually really enjoy it. Hoping we can get a working gallery soon as it seems to just be a placeholder on the menu and maybe a text speed slider. Gameplay is simple but effective, curious to see if they are going to improve anything but I think it's good for what it is. I've been wishing for more games to have girlfailure protags and I can tell this game is going to have a lot of potential, as soon as more content comes out I think I can say this game might possibly and easily become a top 5 for me.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    5/5 i like graphics and gameplay, scenes are nicely done too, but i got a sdvice for developer team
    if u guys gonna keep this system of sex when defeated then patreon can demand change when you guys will gain more supporters and starty getting more money so it would hurt you when you refuse
    i know at least two games that was stopped on patreon one was destroyed because of this and second one had to change the method of initiating sex so heroine would defeat them and start while standing above them
    go to SS Patreon is pile of garbage with snowflake mindset that wont allow artist creative freedom
  18. 4.00 star(s)


    Review for v0.0.8

    A very solid start to another lewd metroidvania-style game, which is probably one of my favorite niche porn game genres.

    The obvious first, the art is amazing. Best aspect of the game for sure. It's a very vibrant style maybe is the word? The whole game has a nice consistent aesthetic to it thus far. Plus the character art itself of Chiro, the dog girl we play as, is very hot both in and out of sex scenes. Speaking of, the sex scenes are pretty solid as well. The CGs have variations as the scenes progress, and there's animated pixel art scenes when you get downed by enemies too.

    I will say in general with animated pixel art scenes, some of them tend to be too pixelated to really enjoy. I think that's at least partly the case here. Not the worst example of it for sure, but if they were just a little more detailed maybe? It would be nice. But to caveat that a bit, it's a pretty great touch to have mini CGs that pop up as those scenes are happening.

    The overview gives you a good idea of the general tone of the game. You get kicked out for being a gross gamer girl shut in. It's a fun and less serious plot to drive you into the word.

    The writing itself is probably best described as EXTREMELY quirky. If you're talking to someone irl who unironically says UwU to you in a conversation, does that make you want to punch them in the mouth? For me the answer veers towards yes, so as you might guess it makes me cringe a little. The dialogue is filled with emoticons, randomly capitalized words, and the "silliness" you'd expect from someone who speaks like this. I managed to get over it in the end though.

    The actual game mechanics are your platformer standard. You got a basic attack combo and a dash. These are both tied to a stamina bar that you have to manage. Thing is, besides purposely losing to enemies for scenes, there's no reason to fight them. They don't drop or give you any kind of reward or incentive for doing so, which means I just spam dash across the map in an instant. The combat also has no weight to it, which makes it feel a little unsatisfying when you do beat enemies up.

    Doesn't do a ton different from other platformers, but the art being as good as it is still makes this enjoyable. The game mechanics are a decent enough base for it. If the game gets fleshed out more I'd probably give it 5 stars.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Review of Version 0.0.8:

    Very Cute Game, and I'm excited to see where this goes. The grammar and spelling needs some work but the foundation for the game is very solid! I really like the protagonists personality it's a breath of fresh air and not one I normally see in these games. Keep up the great work!
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is kincaid 2.0. It involves stellar graphics, very funny story telling, good nsfw art/scenes and felt like a breath of fresh air. I am fully supporting this dev team because it looks like this game will turn out to be a very well made project in the future.