Games browser for downloaded f95 titles & others

Jan 25, 2018
Been wondering, does anyone here use a local games browser for storing and organizing games they download off large platforms like steam and the epic games store?

It's starting to get to the point where even if I delete games I'm not really interested in and I try to keep my folders in order it's very hard to browse my directories for what I want to play, or organize stuff in any meaningful way.

I think it'd be really cool to have an offline games client that could function in a way very similar to Steam for these games, to the point where I considered making one myself.

Anyone have suggestions for something that already exists?

nightlyfe games

New Member
May 25, 2019
I've also been thinking about this problem. Its such a pain to manage all of your games and keeping track of updates is also a hassle. Would be great if there was a tool that could manage all of your games. I'm a C# developer and have experience making tools like this, I will update the community if/when I make a tool like this


New Member
May 5, 2020
It was a bit of an undertaking but I set up Playnite to do this. It's kind of like Kodi, except for games.