The ones that come to mind are as follows:
Agent of P.O.R.N
Caliross The Shapshifter's Legacy
Corruption of Champions 1
Tales of the Drunken Cowboy
Rough Landing 1
Rough Landing 2
Crimson Veil
Damsel Quest
Demon Town
Forbidden Book
Game Of Life
Game of Triggers
Kissing Therapy
Magical Camp
Mira Co Rescue
Monster Girl Dreams
Nefarious Evil Plot
Paraworld Heros
Sheroni Girls - The Tournament of Power
Tales of Ameria
The Last Demon Hunter
The Order of Light
Third Crisis
Trials In Tainted Space
All of these games contain content where your character is hypnotized in one way or another. Most of them are just bad ends only, or the hypnosis is part of a side plot, but others contain content that continues on after you are hypnotized.