Seeking Games with corruption, but with player-driven sex initiation


Aug 7, 2016
I like corruption games. Specifically the kind where the girl starts innocent but can slut up.
However, I don't like how in many of these games the girl is already a slut. I like it even less when the "corruption" starts is usually a predetermined point where the girl fucks (typically losing her virginity) and moving from there.

So I'm looking for a game with player-driven corruption. Examples include one of my favourite RPGM games Virgin Island where you can finish the game never having sex, but if you chose to it has good increasing lust mechanics.
The kind of games I'm specifically NOT interested in are games like Chloe18 where the girl just decides to slut up from the getgo nor games like Sangeki No Gear where the defloration is a fixed moment in the game.

I know I'm asking for a lot but any recommendations are appreciated.


New Member
Oct 22, 2019
Somewhat similar to "Virgin Island" is "Magick protects her purity". But I would love to know more of this kind too. "The Tale of two swords" is also somewhat like that.