This thread seems to aim to offer the "best games" available on this site without being centered on a given genre, but I don't think this can be done objectively. For starters, it will always be informed by the fetish preferences of the list maker when evaluating quality, unless one is willing to look past his or her dislike for certain fetishes. And its not clear what the selection criteria are, other than personal judgment.
The truth is that my fetishes are changing day by day, but what I can assure you is that I still have a lot of games left to put on the list. Only that sometimes I don't have the strength to edit this post and that's why it's so slow.
Games with fetish/gender/orientation.... , gay, trans, furry, lesbian.... , will be on the list, they'll just be further down the list as they don't have as much of an audience compared to what is considered "normal".
I can assure you that if it were for my fetishes I would put 8 games, that I support on patreon on this same list. The games that are on here have something special that other games don't have. In fact, even Harem Hotel, one of the few games I hate the most, will be on this list.