The following review is based off my personal experience with playing this Game/Visual Novel... I try to be as brutally honest and detailed as I can, and these are my own opinions and thoughts, from one or more play throughs... The version this review is based on is Chapter 1...
Just got posted and it's already On Hold for further development until later in the year... Too bad because this one shows a lot of potential...
The visuals of the characters almost look like they started as 3D but got transferred into 2D with lower color saturation... If they are 2D and hand drawn, then they look pretty good... In any case, they look creative and unique... Same with the backdrops... The story is shown in a mix of traditional visual novel style mixed with comic book style dialogue and sound visuals....
The script is pretty darn good, even though there is an occasional spelling/grammar error... The plot revolves around a female protagonist who just turned 18 when her life gets turned upside down... Her father is a fugitive for allegedly scamming millions of dollars from various friends and clients... The protagonist gets thrown out of her house and things just get worse from there... Her only console is a crappy studio apartment and her best friend... The current content is mostly just an introduction to the whole plot with some erotic scenes at the end, but the story is told in a creative and unique way with an interesting story plot...
Overall, I think this visual novel/game shows a lot of potential for being a fun and entertaining story... So far it's told pretty well, and you feel immersed in the protagonists plight... What will the future hold for this VN/Game I don't know, since apparently it has already been put on hold by the developer for a few months... I don't know if that is just a delay in content release, or if he/she is stopping development until then? Who knows... But I would love to see further development of this VN/game because it shows a lot of promise...