Thanks again, osanaiko. I very much appreciate the playtesting and feedback.
The pacing is meant to be a little different based on the specific women. The strays tend to be more willing to commit early whereas the taboo cast (Tiffany aside) tend to take more to the point Ruby is the only one of them where you can see this has started properly. But I'll see if I can make it a bit more varied between the existing cast.
Long term pacing - absolutely not where it should be. Building timers etc are intended, but there will be upgrades and other aspects to reduce building and research times to help with that. For example, the big one will be opening up second slots for contstruction and research, effectively halving the times.
But more globally, balancing/pacing is certainly something I'm eager to get feedback on to fine tune before a public release.
Tasks-wise, perhaps I need to make them clearer. But to address the points specifically:
Build 3 probably won't be ready quite as quickly, I get more done at weekends, but I'll try to get the task items addressed this week. Unsure whether I'll get upgrades in that as well, but I'll try! Pacing/balancing obviously a much longer pursuit.
The pacing is meant to be a little different based on the specific women. The strays tend to be more willing to commit early whereas the taboo cast (Tiffany aside) tend to take more to the point Ruby is the only one of them where you can see this has started properly. But I'll see if I can make it a bit more varied between the existing cast.
Long term pacing - absolutely not where it should be. Building timers etc are intended, but there will be upgrades and other aspects to reduce building and research times to help with that. For example, the big one will be opening up second slots for contstruction and research, effectively halving the times.
But more globally, balancing/pacing is certainly something I'm eager to get feedback on to fine tune before a public release.
Tasks-wise, perhaps I need to make them clearer. But to address the points specifically:
- Look into the Buffer - Can be completed by speaking to Kimberly, Megan or (should) auomatically complete when building the monitoring station. I'll check the latter solution is working properly as it sounds like you should have achieved that. Investigate the buffer is completed by checking the buffer at Gateway B, but if the aftore mentioned hasn't cleared, that will be holding it back.
- Fixed ready for build 3.
- I thought I'd removed the explore option in build 2, but perhaps that's in the build I'm working on. It was something I intended to add, then decided it was unneeded... then forgot to remove the button.
- Quinn is available to welcome at 5 attractiveness so that's likely related to the building pacing comment you noted.
- Charlotte is unlocked when you investigate the buffer, so sounds relevant to previous notes. I'll add another step to make it clear the buffer stuff needs completing first.
- Is the spa research just not moving ahead? Or just the pacing issue? If not moving, who is working at the monitoring station and what is their fatigue?
- Will be Rita out on Expedition. I thought I'd made teaching start late enough in the day that there couldn't be any active expeditions so didn't add a check for it... clearly I was wrong!
Build 3 probably won't be ready quite as quickly, I get more done at weekends, but I'll try to get the task items addressed this week. Unsure whether I'll get upgrades in that as well, but I'll try! Pacing/balancing obviously a much longer pursuit.