Jul 17, 2020
Does anyone have a recommendation on who to bring for away party?
There are some minor differences during New Eden depending on who you take. Megan and Rita for instance can investigate the failing machinery more than other characters and Millie can hack into the library computer instead of Josie. There are different lewds available too, but those become available later in the game once you can revisit New Eden.
Kim's substory has some dialogue differences depending on whether you took her or someone else in her spot and unlocking transformations for Millie, Ruby, and Tiff is easier if you didn't take Kim (if you've progressed her substory far enough you won't notice a difference, though).
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Oct 21, 2021
I found out when you don't use the cheats in the game after you complete a research you lose Zoe cause after you send her and Rita on expeditions to gather resources and increase their likes and desires for you Zoe ends up staying off world.


Engaged Member
Sep 1, 2020
I found out when you don't use the cheats in the game after you complete a research you lose Zoe cause after you send her and Rita on expeditions to gather resources and increase their likes and desires for you Zoe ends up staying off world.
Hmmm.... Not in my game. Are you sure you don't have something else
going on? I mean, I have all the research and construction completed but still have both
Zoe and Rita. I use them for expiditions all the time as well. Haven't used any cheats.
Besides, Zoe went w me to New Eden as well. She's my best scavenger.

Maybe something else? Or I'm misunderstanding.

edit...also just sent them both on an expedition and they came back fine.
her like/lust is 106/251 btw...if that matters


Oct 31, 2017
Good game and interesting setting, I keep wanting to find out more about the worlds.

minor cons - had to hack madison into her room, she was never in there after a certain point so I couldn't do 2 of her tasks, same with lillian and the office.
- progress is pretty slow, even with cheats on. So I imagine it's a huge grind without them?


Jan 27, 2018
Anyone knkow the EXACT mechanics of the 'versatile' trait?
They learn any skill 10% faster but if you have someone with 'Versatile' working the same job twice their performance is worse on the second shift. Example: Construction > Construction > ??? > ??? you would have a debuff on the second construction, same for Construction > nothing > nothing > Construction but you can do Construction > Library > Construction > ??? for example without getting a debuff.
Jan 18, 2021
A girl with the "versatile" trait will be too bored and will refuse to work if you assign her to the same job twice. Being bored has the same effect as being too tired to work: she will just skip her shift.

To avoid that negative effect, you can assign her to work on something else or wait until the next day (resting between two shifts will not help: she needs to sleep). A versatile girl can alternate between two or three jobs as long as she is not doing the same thing twice in a row.


Active Member
Mar 18, 2018
So the versitile trait ONLY triggers if they do the same thing in a row on a SINGLE day?
Not on other days, like Monday Morning Construction, Tuesday Morning COnstruction

Maybe I'm just not aware of my own tiggers vs schedule.
I want to say it still triggers if i do this jobA > jobB > jobA on same day or even alternating days...
Jan 18, 2021
So the versitile trait ONLY triggers if they do the same thing in a row on a SINGLE day?
Not on other days, like Monday Morning Construction, Tuesday Morning COnstruction
A versatile girl focusing on a single job can work one shift of that job per day (sleeping resets the "same job" tracker), but if she alternates between two or three jobs then she can work as many shifts per day as her fatigue allows.
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Aug 8, 2019
Feebs, It seems to me that you will gain more subscribers if you make announcements of the upcoming update, as some other developers do here on f95zone. Something like this:

- Update 0.3.2 has been released. The public release is about a week later.
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Sep 15, 2016
I am confused about the New Eden part. How do you get back or "reconnect with" New Eden if you have already done it before? I am not sure where Stacy is because I can't select her in the tracker.
Same for me. I'm at 3/6 council tasks and have already done the New Eden stuff. No idea where Stacy is at, the phone just says "off world".
Dec 13, 2018
Bug: Saw the following.
Version: v0.3.1HF1

Note had already seen report from Rita that included question re Asbakala (and assume this is a 2nd firing of that)?

Also: Any hint of when a Fix to Victoria not going to the Garden will be released?


Game Developer
Mar 22, 2023
Same for me. I'm at 3/6 council tasks and have already done the New Eden stuff. No idea where Stacy is at, the phone just says "off world".
Stacy is in New Eden, the business district, New Eden Holdings.
I will update the task tooltip and do something about the contacts app showing locations for characters without a substory.

Bug: Saw the following.
Version: v0.3.1HF1

Note had already seen report from Rita that included question re Asbakala (and assume this is a 2nd firing of that)?
View attachment 3871677
Thanks, the fact you'd seen the popup before allowed me to understand the issue. If you somehow manage to get rid of it without hitting close (eg by refreshing), the relevant variables aren't updated. So, next time you complete an expedition it retriggers the alert, but that new expedition clears the temporary variable storing who you were influencing. This will be the same for the other expedition-related interruptions, should be a simple fix.
Also: Any hint of when a Fix to Victoria not going to the Garden will be released?
0.3.2 will be out to the public next week (Subscribers got it last week).
It adds a bunch of stuff, but it includes fixes for a few Victoria issues, including the garden.
You can, however, force her there by putting the below in your console if you do not wish to wait. Transforming her will remove her from the garden again.
SugarCube.State.variables.schedules.vanna[16] = 'garden';
SugarCube.State.variables.schedules.vanna[17] = 'garden';
SugarCube.State.variables.schedules.vanna[18] = 'garden';
SugarCube.State.variables.schedules.vanna[20] = 'lounge';
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Dec 13, 2018
Thanks for the responses.

Thanks, the fact you'd seen the popup before allowed me to understand the issue. If you somehow manage to get rid of it without hitting close (eg by refreshing), the relevant variables aren't updated. So, next time...
You of course know your code. In case it helps and is relevant though: it's very unlikely I'd Refresh at any time while playing (unless it was in an attempt to clear a bug).

Separately, I have a suggestion:
- Save SETTINGS variables with Saves to Disk
- Benefit is obvious: No need to set those again every time you start a new playing session.
Last edited:
Dec 13, 2018
Another small bug (unsure of already reported): You can't Influence Charles when you sent them to Quinn
You have to just send them (without Influence) .
Issue is of course one of confusion: You try and Influence, can't, so assume something else must happen first.


Game Developer
Mar 22, 2023
Thanks for the responses.

You of course know your code. In case it helps and is relevant though: it's very unlikely I'd Refresh at any time while playing (unless it was in an attempt to clear a bug).

Separately, I have a suggestion:
- Save SETTINGS variables with Saves to Disk
- Benefit is obvious: No need to set those again every time you start a new playing session.
The engine's settings API automatically stores them in the browser's storage, so you'll only lose settings if using private browsing or changing devices/browsers. That said, it shouldn't be a big issue to enable it (optionally as not to mess with single-device non-private players) and the suggestion has already been added to the Discord channel from another user on here (by proxy).

Another small bug (unsure of already reported): You can't Influence Charles when you sent them to Quinn
You have to just send them (without Influence) .
Issue is of course one of confusion: You try and Influence, can't, so assume something else must happen first.
You can't send her unless she's influenced, the confusion may be because when you select her, it automatically sets her as influenced and grays out the button to cancel it in order to prevent you using her as a regular explorer. I will add some sort of display/notification for it.
Last edited:
Dec 13, 2018
Another Small Bug:
If you inadvertently use Influence instead of Piggy Back to Salata (when conditions are right for Piper's Piggy Back visit), you get:
Piper Piggy Back.jpg


Game Developer
Mar 22, 2023
v0.3.2 released.
Full changelog in OP.

This update focuses on a few substories and minor QoL improvements.

Finished a substory? Instead of getting the end of content message in the quick tracker, you'll now be shown hints for any lewds not yet unlocked. "End of current content" will only appear when the current substory is complete, as well as all movies.

Based on subscriber feedback, Charlie was chosen for substory content this phase. Charlie's and Charlotte's substories are not mutually exclusive, but some characters may ponder or appear confused as to the changes in their personalities. All bonuses Charlotte provides from her shoots are unavailable when Charlie is active.

This update also officially introduces NTR. Entirely optional and can be completely ignored with no repercussions to the story. There are two scenes, both parts of Charlie's substory. You can still follow his substory without allowing any woman to sleep with him, should you decide, though it will be different in the future as a result. You can also choose to possess him instead if you've gained the influence ability allowing you to sleep with your companions in his body. Again, entirely optional. His scenes will generally follow this format, the option to watch, or possess.

For other voyeurism scenes, the option to possess will only be available when the love interests are aware. So, for example, the scene with Howard and Gemma does not currently allow possession as she wouldn't be okay with that at this stage in the game.

For 0.3.3 I will be backfilling a few more of the flavor lewds (eg Selina's stuff, planet stuff, Glitter Box) but mostly focusing on Gemma and Ava substories.
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