Completely forgot to post this information here.
RPG system
So, when I began drafting the game story and mechanics, I wanted to do something very different. For example, my first draft involved something similar to the first 5 Touhou games, a brick breaker where you move your character to the bottom and you can do special attacks and you could fight bosses that way too. That didn't work too well even though I still like the idea.
Then we moved on to something more active, and that was an even worse idea. Basically Steven Universe Touhou. Here's a concept screen for it. You'd have your stats on the right and your partner's abilities on the left. You'd be able to move steven in the bottom half while you fought whatever enemy on top.
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We ended up ditching both ideas and moved to a "first-person" fast-paced game, where theoretically you'd have to move Steven around while defending and attacking. It sounds good on paper, but it isn't very fun, really, it's too simplistic and repetitive to a fault, even though we wanted to do something simple in the first place. Here's, once again, more concept for it.
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In the end, there's really no reason to try to reinvent the wheel. We did want something different, but since the focus of the game should NOT be the mini-game, at least in the case of this one specific game, then we settled down for a classic RPG system.
What we are still trying to figure out is how it should go, layouts and stuff mostly. Gameplay-wise, I want that every fight counts, not something like random encounters or something like that. It will mostly consist of boss fights. And some repetitions here or there. It also allows us to use special abilities that would fit the game like a glove. Here's a concept, although we still have not figured out where the enemies and players should be, if the classic left, or to the right.
We are still working on the concept, but so far that's the idea. What do you think? Expect some polls about it in the future.