
Dec 18, 2019
Man the new art and animations are looking so good, I wish we had all the old stuff and portraits updated


Jun 9, 2017
Just reached the upto date content of Garnet, Pearl, and Sadie haven't started Amethyst or Connie yet but so far Sadie and Garnet have the best scenes to me.

Tho the shortstack is in first place for best girl honestly can't wait for more scenes and characters to become available.
  • Red Heart
Reactions: AmazonessKing
Dec 6, 2020
I,ve really enjoyed the game so far, just a thought for you with something I would love to see and that is the ability to turn the girls around in the wardrobe room and potentially to bend them over but I know this requires more work.
I will be keeping an eye on this game. Thank you guys!
  • Red Heart
Reactions: AmazonessKing


Amazoness Entrepreneur
Aug 13, 2019
So, one thing ElFatGato has been helping me with during his spare time is sending me the stuff he had planned but never could finish. That includes some phone pics we never managed to implement, which hopefully, I will do during the next update.


Some of these are unfinished, like the whole Empire City map, which is supposed to work as a secondary hub.


I need to find someone willing to work on these, be it by commission or someone as part of the team. As a matter of fact, I am commissioning ElFatGato for new backgrounds, though, so there's that.

Well, they are pretty cool, if nothing else, I could add them unfinished as it is too. But some of them are kind of hard to do so right now. But rest assured, these are hopefully happening, since they are halfway done.

Also, sorry for the lack of news during the last month. A lot of things happened that you can likely find in our discord server, don't want to get into too much detail, but it was a rough month, but we got our groove back, hopefully!

This game is walking at a snail's pace, looks like another Patreon money grab to me. A pity, because the art is really good, and the idea for the story is very interesting, but the scope is too ambitious for a project that releases 1-2 scenes every two months.

At this pace, with other routes and such in mind, it might finally release just in time for sex bots to become a thing, then it won't be any good anyway will it? I'll have a fucking sex bot...
Sadly, there have been a lot of setbacks since the game's conception, from the original main artist having to leave to the new artist not having the game as his main focus. That being said, the game has a lot of scenes at the moment, 5 scenes for each of the main characters, with a couple of scenes for some of the secondary characters. That's a lot IMO, but I respect your opinion.

I assure you we are working hard, and we even had to cut corners to have scenes done faster, with a lot of the new scenes already sketched and drafted, and new mechanics also in the game, but not fully implemented. Making these games isn't really easy or cheap, and also takes a lot of time.

Turns out if you give gifts its way faster to level up your influence since you can give them multiple time in the same day.
Yes. I want to add a limiter to make it 1 or 2 gifts per day per girl, so you don't just give a shit ton of gifts right away, which will hopefully force you to do other things during the same span of time. The design idea is that you have to explore each day to find new things to do instead of focusing on only one person, you can focus on multiple girls at a time. Of course, since the selection is limited at the moment, I don't want to limit too much what the player can do yet.

There a bug where a conflict of events clash, Garnet's quest and Peril's quest. Once you get Garnet's "someone's watching me" and get to Peril's "I need to tell her to stop" you can't see Mayor Dewy and are faster forward to a later quest for Peril. Which seems to be get something with Gregg at the storage place you would usually see Mayor Dewy. Now you can still complete this quest but it might crash the game later if it's not fixed.
Wow, interesting. It is indeed not intended, and the reason is that the u-stor was originally planned to have an extra area with Greg waiting for you there. I think I can fix it, though. The fact that it moves you to a later quest is weird. I will have to check this out. Thanks.
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Amazoness Entrepreneur
Aug 13, 2019
We settled to finish Sadie on our next update, so that's what we are gonna do. This will be her last scene for a while, but her "main plot" will be sort of done, hopefully.

We are also adding more places, to complete everything we may need for the upcoming updates. But more of that on the white caste post this week!

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Amazoness Entrepreneur
Aug 13, 2019
As mentioned before, we are adding new backgrounds and buttons so the townies can have all the places they hang around. We originally planned to add more locations on Beach City, but they are still a "we'll see" for now. That means Beach City is practically done now, with only very few places missing, at least important ones.

As such, Sadie's house and other essential buttons for her final scene, for now, are also done.

Gem Domination_0050.png Gem Domination_0053.png

Speaking of which, here's also the scene colored. Just like the previous update, we are going for flat colors and will continue to go this route with the other characters. I still want to make a poll asking you guys how you feel about flat colors after experiencing them.



Amazoness Entrepreneur
Aug 13, 2019
Well, a part of Sadie's scene is already programmed and halfway written, as soon as it's done, I'll tie some of the new content and try to ship the new update with some new side content if possible. Won't be much, though.

Gem Domination_0059.png

I might leave the new locations unlocked, but without activity, the problem being, these new locations are important for some characters still not introduced, like Priyanka. if I can, I can definitively introduce them in this very update if I can write and coordinate all of that. That includes their phone number and stuff.

Gem Domination_0039.png Gem Domination_0047.png


New Member
Jun 14, 2021
how do i get the last pearl scene, i have everything else and her route says its done but theres one left in the gallery


Mar 5, 2018
Fun stuff. Actually got me back into Steven Universe after years of having finished it.
Hopefully we get an update soon.


Amazoness Entrepreneur
Aug 13, 2019
Something I've been wanting to implement for a lot of time. These are supposed to make Gem Missions provide more points, and make you level up faster. This alongside the soon to be 1 gift per day per girl to further balance the game. The idea behind this "balance" is that I intend for you, the players, to go through the map looking for what to do instead of just giving gifts to a single character constantly.

That being said, I can give you the option to turn off this functionality in the cheats menu and have you give gifts to whoever you want, same with leveling up characters to their max, but I have yet to test that.

The way the training will work will be by selecting the option at any time during the day with the gems. This should prompt the gem crush minigame (still not available) and after winning practice combat, you will get a small reward in the form of a picture. These are time sensitive, but they are saved to your phone with the time of your practice, so these can change in subsequent playthroughs depending on the time of the day.

Gem Domination_0062.png Gem Domination_0064.png Gem Domination_0065.png
Gem Domination_0066.png Gem Domination_0067.png Gem Domination_0068.png

Also, the availability of the training levels will depend on how far on the story you are, with the first level being available right away. I'm still not entirely convinced about this, and I might change it later, but this is how it will work in this update, at the very least.

There are 3 different levels. Hope you enjoy them!


Amazoness Entrepreneur
Aug 13, 2019
Here is how the animation is looking so far! Remember you can see the uncensored version on Discord!

Also, a few updates on the mini-game. I'm still trying to figure out what's the best path for it, really, something more complex requires a lot of math, since ren'py is not very user-friendly when it comes to this kind of thing, I have to calculate stuff for collisions, and whatnot. You will have to dodge bullets and shoot your own bullets, but we will see, if it comes to worse, I will have to hire someone to help me with this.
Hope you enjoy it so far!

Additionally, v0.6 is out for patrons.

sadie ver6.png
3.60 star(s) 14 Votes