I have played/read the occasional Text based game, but the trouble I find with most HTML, Java, and Twine based adult/erotic games is that more then half of them are using stolen images of real folks or porn they found on the web... Using images without any permission from the original business' or individuals themselves...
If I wanted to look at real porn images I could go do all that without the need for a game... And it really gets me angry when folks are making any sort of money off of someone else's work without permission... Therefore I go out of my way to avoid then when they do that...
That being said, the trouble I also find with come HTML games, is they tend to be buggy much of the time, especially when in the beginning stages of development... And the ones I did enjoy at all, tended to get abandoned...
Text based games in some ways are better when it comes to their writing usually, being that they are a mostly text based system, even if they do include the occasional visual... Probably because they can focus far more attention to the writing aspect... Plus, it might be easier for a solo developer who's writing skills are his/her/it's greatest strength... And when you are playing a text based game with little to no visuals, you have to engage your imagination more, therefore you end up having a somewhat deeper experience...