Getting started here


New Member
Sep 14, 2019
Sorry if I've missed it, but is there a getting started guide around here? I am a prolific poster and sharer on another site, but it appears to be getting overrun by pedos posting realistic pics of children and I can't seem to get the admins to act.

I'd like to find another place to share content, and I like it here. I notice that you can't directly upload, so is there a group you can push content to that will post it for the masses?


Game Developer
Apr 27, 2018
Hey there,
This is a great place for that, and sharing is caring :p

This will depend of what kind of things do you want share, for example if you go into the game request HERE forum and happen to have some requested game to share, just respond to the thread with the link and press the "report" button to signal the staff, they will then create a new thread for that game. If you have a game that you want to share, follow this HERE .
I'm pretty sure non game stuff also work in a similar way, but look around and see for yourself.

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New Member
Sep 14, 2019
Thank you! I share comics. I never play the games. I'll start looking through some threads here for the comic posting methods. Seems to be more of a "full collection" effort here than update posts for ongoing stuff.

Again, thank you for the response!