Getting started tips for RPGMAKER MV


New Member
Jul 27, 2020
Hello! I am sure there are many posts like this but let me give a little bit of my background, I'm an artist looking to work on my own project, and I have a background in coding as it relates to my degree, I've loved many fantasy themed rpg maker eroge and have settled on wanting to make my own as a project to work on. I was wondering if there's any general tips, must have libraries I should incorporate, stuff like that. I've taken to looking in the credits of games I've liked and seeing what was used, however some general tips from people more experienced with the software would be appreciated!


New Member
Jul 27, 2020
Don't use the vanilla tileset
Don't include vanilla RPG maker combat
Learn how to make sensible maps
Definitely agree with the first two, that and maybe looking for a new sound library, the default music and sound effects can make a game seem very sameish, along with the tileset. The project I was thinking would rely less on combat except in key situations and even then it wouldn't be click attack etc, but I'll see. Thanks for the advice. I'll learn some map design, as a player I've seen some frustrating ones here and there.