VN - Ren'Py - Giant Guardians [v0.3.65] [Giant Guardians]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    > Be me
    > Don't get the appeal of a giantess fetish
    > Bored, decide to try the game because of the reviews
    > Right at the start there are lots of choices and an interesting plot
    > "hehehe this giant tanned angel is so precious, what will happen if i stay inside her stockings..."
    > Acquire a giantess fetish
    > ??????
    > Profit, there's still tons of paths to try and cute/scary girls to known

    p.s. the art improves significantly in the important scenes and the sound adds a lot to the imersion. The game could use more variation in body types (gimme a petite giantess pls)
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is entirely responsible for my giantess fetish awakening, and for that I give it 10/10

    Mostly great art, great variety of pathways, my only gripe with it is that there isn't more of everything, which is the best complaint an unfinished game can get if you ask me.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is one of my favorite porn games of all time, and it is my favorite visual novel game of all time. the game has a wide variety of content to, from a gentle and kind relationship with someone bigger than you and marrying a giantess to live on a farm, to more intense things like vore or brutality, as long as you like giantesses, this game has a route for you. and the game has an extremely good story too, being one of the few porn games where I enjoy the story just as much as I enjoy the visuals.
  4. 5.00 star(s)



    Simply put, one of the best ongoing AVN's.

    Don't be put off by the preview images, they don't do the game justice and should really be updated, as drawing style and design have significantly improved over time. I assume many, like me, would have passed over the game, due to it.

    Regardless, it grows on you, anyway.

    Of course, if your fetish is giant girls and kinks related to it (size difference, female domination, vore) the game is definitely worth a try.

    Plot is original and rich in lore, thus it's not a cookie cutter setup, and characters, while following the well-known tropes, stand out and provide a good variety, so most players will be able to find at least one LI to their liking.

    Lastly, the novel seems really well thought-out in advance - it stays to its roots and does not pretend to be something it isn't. What you get in the beginning, is what you can expect to get in the most recent content, in terms of overall theme and mood.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Great. There are entire branching paths that feel unique but also interwoven with other story lines creating a connected narrative. I havent experienced all the girls but so far even if some similiar themes exist they are different in the approach for each girl. I never enjoyed the giantess trope in others games but i am glad i tried this one.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This game (version 0.3.55) is incredible. I started by following the demons because the dialogues at the beginning were funny. It was a mistake because I ended up in the SM version of the game (which I don't necessarily like) where every misstep leads to death. Then I followed the angels and OH MY GOD the contrast between the two routes. I don't want to spoil anything, but ending up as a farmer with a loving cow wife after doing the demon path was one of my best VN experiences.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I didn't have I giantess fetish, but now I most certainly do.
    Fantastic art and a huge variety of giantess girls to meet who all feel unique. I don't think I'll find a giantess game as good as this anywhere, its spoiled me. With so many branching intermingling paths it will be a long while for this game to be finished but there is a ton of content already. Give it a try, you won't regret it.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    This is not a game I thought I would ever be interested in, but after trying it I was definitely won over.

    The way the world is explored from different perspectives depending on the route you have chosen is a very unique and interesting form of storytelling. I am enjoying it so far, though I could see it getting difficult to manage as the game progresses.

    The writing has been good despite some wonky dialogue. I am guessing this game is translated, as there are some consistent spelling and word choice errors. However, the dialogue and plotting still work regardless of some technical faults. I enjoyed most routes I played, even ones I didn't expect to enjoy.

    The art is great. It can be a little inconsistent, but nothing too egregious.

    The only gripe I have with this game is that the cast is massive. This isn't an issue now, but it appears like it is only going to grow larger in the future. Since each route is fairly exclusive, and there is also some minor branching within each route, my worry is that the branching is going to spiral out of control.

    IF this happens, I may have to revisit this review. Everyone is going to have their fav paths (Sheina, Croixelle, Kendra for me) and the more characters that get paths, the less attention EVERY character gets. I only hope that the dev has a plan to address this.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    So much roots in this game, haven't finish them all playing 3rd day in a row. My favorite so far is Yakuu, hope to see continuation of her story soon.
    The plot is also great, makes me want to play even after post-nut clarity :p
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    First things first, this is by far the BEST giantess VN I have EVER played, hands down. I have played a lot of them, and to be honest, not many of said games hold a candle to this work of art. If you are into being a tiny / macrophilia / ect, give this game a try! Each of the giantesses have their own personalities and major fetish they focus on. For example, one of them is motherly and very protective of you, which leads to you riding in between her boobs frequently. Where as another character is all about vore, and eating tinies.

    My ONLY complaint, is that some giantess routes are a bit harder to get to then other, so a guide may be necessary if you're looking for a certain giantess on a subsequent play through.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Cool game. I really liked it. Each character has its own character, attitude to the main character. A very interesting history of the world, which is intertwined between different kingdoms and their guardians. Interesting and exciting intimate relationships with each of the guards. (y)
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Spontaneous combustion

    Before the review starts, a small remark: Don't get scared by the game title picture or screenshots. Most characters are already redrawn in a prettier artstyle.

    This game is just great, that's an easy way to put it.
    While being a fetish VN, it's still trying to tell a deep story to a player. Thanks to devs hard work there is already a lore of this universe to get involved in. My opinion might be subjective, because i'm not a VN connoisseur or anything, and didn't play much of them in my life, but it's generally very good. It nicely utilizes it's fetishes, which is the most important thing. Characers are not blank, they have their advantages and disatvantages, they don't act like cliche heroes, who will always do "the right thing".
    The game has hours of content on the main story + a handful of side stories, that were created with the direct help of high level supporters and may or may not be related to the lore (some of them are quite bad and short though, but it's not really something to complain about)

    The game still has its issues:
    1) The fact that most of the characters and scenes were redrawn, but not all of them, gets caught in the eye, especially at the starting scene.
    2) Some storylines have a big amount of typos, logical inconsistencies in dialogues and other technical issues.
    3) This might be very subjective, but i noticed that the word "to nod" is overused. Characters keep nodding even when they don't really need to. Same goes for the amount of apologies given between mc and other characters. It is, of course, makes sense at the "good" line of the story, but damn, sometimes it is so uncalled for, that starts to be annoying.
    4) Some people might be dissapointed that, despite the fact that the game already has about 5 major storylines to go through, which then divide by even more depending on your choices, none of them are finished yet. And it gets worse when the story ends on a cliffhanger instead of a transition between the events (at least one does, but i will not spoil). This con is of course temporary, since the game isn't abandoned.
    5) 90% of characters have, if I may say, a "perfect shape": big boobs, butts, wide hips, narrow waists and of course very revealing clothes. It's not like I would prefer an ugly character instead, it undermines the whole concept of a fetish game after all, but seeing porn stars everywhere feels like, I don't know, a lack of variety? Also the fact that most of them are drawn from the bottom perspective makes it even worse, because sometimes all you can see is a walking butt when character is turned back at you.
    6) That's probably subjective, but another problem that I see is a character archetypes exaggeration: There are absolute sadists, there are naive, prideless and way too gentle characters that will forgive you literally anything (except for your death, I suppose), way too lewd and "playful" ones, and only 2 or 3 that are sort of in between those sides. Maybe this was intended, since it's a fetish VN, but for me the amount of gentleness or sadism is so much that it just breaks the character. This mostly applies to gentleness of course, it's much easier to explain cruelty and violence, when someone is simply bigger and stronger than you, but when it comes to "kindness", you start feeling that this 15 meter (or whatever, I didn't measure) girl in front of you acts like she does not because that's her personality, but because she is some sort of a babysitter for MC and is forced to tolerate anything you do. These characters are never upset, never angry at you, which devalues their temper. You know they will tolerate anything the game allows you to do, you know you won't be punished even a little bit, and that really sucks. Characters can be kind and gentle, but at the same time they should have at least some of self-esteem.
    7) Despite the fact that a tremendous amount of work was done when it comes to an art, ther's still some picture patterns that are really needed in the game. For example: there is no pose of a character, when you are behind them and they are not looking at you. I'm pretty sure they need to see where they're going at least sometimes. It gets even worse when, according to the text, they are literally looking somewhere else, and the text goes something like: "You are walking behind [a character] that is looking at [an object]", but on the screen you see how she stares right at you.
    Same goes to moments when you, for example, are held by someone. It just zooms in the center of torso. Sometimes you simply get lost and don't understand what is going on in the scene.
    I also noticed a lack of face variations too, which makes some characters to always smile or look sad (when it's not intended of course), or change their mood way too fast, like when a character is shocked or mad or whatever, but in milisecond it starts smiling again like it forgot what just happened. To be fair, that's pretty uncommon, so it's not as bad as it sounds.
    8) Animations, if you can even call them that, are... let's say: They're not particularly bad, but it won't be any worse without them. It's always just a screen movement, and i'm not talking about scenes where it's actually needed, like when you gaze at something too large for an eyesight, but about action scenes. It feels like: "Yes, game, I already get what you are trying to show, you're just overdoing it". The realization itself is just too clunky in it's concept. It's not needed in my opinion.

    To sum up. "Giant Guardians" has it's problems, but if the "Size Difference", femdom and other fetishes included in this game are your thing, then it's definetly worth playing.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Really good game. I tried it because I was looking for something different to play and it didn't dissappoint! Got hooked up by the story. Your choices matter a lot since there are lots of girls, dead ends and several kingdoms which have their own nature (like VNs are supposed to be). Lastly, I didn't expect to be into giantess fetish, but somehow this game managed to make me a fan of it!
    +Really good story.
    +Decisions matter.
    +Lots of paths.
    +The art is superb (Girls and Backgrounds).
    +I like the music very much.
    +Rare fetish that is used really well.

    Mids (These not bother me):
    +/-Some fetishes (like vore and blood) are a bit extreme for some people.
    +/-It has lots of blood and graphic violence.
    +/-You can go full femdom or full gentle femdom.
    +/- A few girls look somewhat similar in some of the scenes.

    -It has no animation so the tag should be removed.
    -Some paths are a bit short right now.

    Overall, really good game, really good art and really good story. The devs are doing an excellent job. Some fetishes may not suit everyone and that could be a turn off, but nevertheless you should try to play this game! These devs should get all the support!
    This is my first review (sorry if it's too long lol).
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Incredible game. Didn't even know this was a fetish of mine until I played it. It has a lot of content with lots of options for different types of girls. The art is also really good, and the girls look incredible.

    The only "con" is that some routes have very little content, which makes sense for a game in active development. I liked multiple girls and played through their routes, and I can’t wait for more content to come out.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    V 0.3.19 rated 4.5 out 5 stars
    If this is your kink, the art is great and even if it's not, it might be soon
    Fills a niche that has very few games for it and does so well
    Lots of branching paths with a lot of different girls with unique personalities

    Some of the branches of certain girls is very short right now, so finding one you like only for her to have one scene so far can kind of be a bummer (it's in development though, so understandable)
    It has the animated tag, but none of the lewd scenes are animated, so not really a slight against the game as much as being bummed the tags got my hopes up. Having the girl use you as a toy with decent animation sounds fantastic
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    What is in it so far is amazing but I want more. There aren't many good giant/mini content and so far this game seems to aim to please everyone from the "step on me" crowd, to "step on me harder", to the "can I call you mommy?".

    Really enjoy the writing and theme so my only gripe with the game comes from the side stories that I feel (right or wrong) that steal resources to the story and characters (Wild Plant mommy > Cow mommy > ..... > snuff meanies) that I enjoy so much and make them advance slower.

    So you could boil down my review to "GIVE ME, GIVE ME MORE!". And this is not to say there is little content, even though it's obviously unfinished, if it were to be abandoned tomorrow it would still be worthy of a good read.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I was simply shocked by the amazing and quality art style of this game, the action packed and choice based gameplay and how well the story is made. I sincerely hope that the developers will get even more support on this project and will not abandon it, they deserve it. Hope to see this game finished in the future with its full and great potential that it has.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    (Review for v0.3.14)
    What can I say about this game that hasn't already been said? If you like anything to do with giantess content then this is the game for you.

    Great, consistent writing
    A diverse cast of giantesses with subplots revolving around each of them
    High Quality Art
    The game is updated constantly, like once every couple of weeks
    3 very highly fleshed out main routes all going from your initial choices (demon city, guardian city, and the forest). You can seriously choose any route at the start and see 10-15 characters with their own individual scenes, then go back to the start and choose a different route and see 10-15 MORE unique characters without ever seeing the original group again. To illustrate this, one of the paths you can take on the guardians route involves you completely giving up on the main story (recovering your amnesia) in favor of being kidnapped by the owner of the inn and being taken to her farm as her new boyfriend.

    The only con I can think of is that there's SO MANY characters all with their each individual personalities and stories that sometimes it takes 3 or 4 updates for them to continue the story on the girl you want.

    Overall, as someone who isn't super into visual novels, this one has great enough writing and enough choices and minigames to keep you invested for hours. There's plenty of content and an insane number of paths to choose from, which rarely lead you to the same place.

    From what I've heard there's only 2 people working on this masterpiece and they deserve all the support they can get. The fact that this entire project is delegated to two people and it's free is stunning.

    This game is easily 5 stars for me
  19. 5.00 star(s)

    James Boner


    Great story, great writing. I'm actually really impress to know that only 2 people are working on this and this is what they've pull out.

    I love the diversity of giantesses you'll encounter on this game. Each of them has a very peculiar personality and a totally different story associated with.

    And I usually despise the vn game style because I found it really boring. It's like reading a book with pictures. But in this game, I'm actually impressed by the amount of diverse choice you can make and how it will affect the story at some point (might be right on the spot or way further in the storyline).

    The giantess/tiny fetish is really well use in this story. There's a whole background to this new world you've been set into. A whole society and a big change in culture from a city to another.

    I sincerely wish to see this game being completed someday !
  20. 5.00 star(s)

    The lost saint

    Making a review because why not.
    This could be a classic porn game.
    It has a lot of pros and few cons.
    The cons are easy so they are first, there is a lot of short side content and they are not as powerful or they seem just for lewd stuff right now.
    I think they can be good but how short and simplistic they are, the side story's are not worth the time unless you want more content.

    The pros: strong story and emotions, It has a great blend of emotions and horny, It is not all horny which is great and most games fall into the all horny trap.
    It has many branching story lines which is good.
    The characters are charming and the world is immersive.
    Personality of all the characters are clear and they fit in.

    This is just a short simple review since it is objectively fantastic, it has the power to be a classic and I hope things go well.
    Very great start and a pretty great game.
    I hope people have fun and I wish everyone well with luck~!