Is it me who finds it weird that Kendra talked about Homospheria's justice and death penalty for murders,etc
Tries to convince, manipulate Maryen,etc that's it a better system, better than their Keisiema who offers mercy, imprisonment, possibly rehabilitation.
But...wouldn't that mean Kendra should be by the same rules executed for what she commited?
Didn't she realize that?
Will that be in future content in the corrupted/dark Maryen route? Where she will bring up that point and threaten Kendra?
Kendra literally says "By being merciful with a murderer, you're many innocents, y'know?" . It just feels like it will backfire at her
Well first of all, telling that Keisiema or Homaspernia system is better is quite pointless, simply because Keisiema rules won't work in Homaspernia, so as Homaspernia's cruelty won't in Keisiema. As for morality of killing a killer, it's a very tough question. Taking life means dealing uncompensatable damage to society, and if a person intentionally killed someone, they surely will kill more, even if you try to rehabilitate them, because ending life is a fundamental, subconcious red flag for a fully-developed individual, and not having it can't be fixed even by modern medicine. On the other side though, can we really define the true intentions of a first murder? What if realizing the fact of taking life for the first time would switch something in a killer's head? And even if we just exectue them, how much we will gain from it?
In my opinion, death penalty can't fit in a modern society, however, taking someone's life is a crime that can't be fully redeemed, so the only way is to force a murderer serve the society till the end of their life in the hardest jobs there is. It won't repay the whole damage, but will give back as much as possible. Of course this must be done only if 100% proven that suspect was fully aware of their actions and most importantly concequences, and I'm not talking about accidents, neglicent homicide, and desperate situations.
As for Kendra, you want to say that she should execute herself? Well, technically, yes, because she is in fact a killer, a mass killer, to be exact, but in reallity, no matter the rules, those with power will be right anyways. I mean, nobody really care about neutral lands, and for other kingdoms, as I said before, she doesn't just walk around killing everyone, most of the time it's a "self-defence".