He really should do more fetish scenes for being inside the giants' belly and they letting him out later, or for himself trying to go through his entire body (clearly being used in only a few giants the "full tour"). It would greatly expand the range of possibilities and scenes, as I'm sure many people manage to bond with some giant and they think: what would it be like if I was eaten by her? It would be a lot of fun to imagine this happening, and clearly, if you were friendly with the giantess and she wanted to do you that favor, she would let you out of her later, or even heal you (if there was any magic, or potion). I really liked the character "Bel". I hope she unintentionally uses that ability she used in the pack, in the main character. It would be great. I hope her training and that of Giant Dragon is a lot of fun. I don't know if the game's developer is against this but, it would be really good to put digestion, a liquid growing over time, maybe it creates ways for our character to talk to the giantess and she'll think about whether to let him live or not. Those were my ideas. Great game, seriously, congratulations.