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I thank Chivalry/Honor for giving me the compatible version of the "Guest" extension... I reconsidered the characters and realized that Sheina as such doesn't have much impact with us, not like Margarita, so I changed her place.
Guest characters like Eva shouldn't be so high, because her participation is very short and she is quite rushed in the relationship, but she is so kind to us that I couldn't help but put her so high, the dragon of the forge although he is nice with us his relationship doesn't go beyond boss with secretary (I like her a lot but oh well, I feel that she is fine where I left her)... CARMILLA rot.
I would like Haramunia and the sky demon to be higher up but they lack something that convinces me enough, and my biggest challenge was Seinaru, she is strict but once we love her enough she opens up a bit... she needs development but it will be a matter of our imagination because they are not going to update the Guests anymore...
I feel that many guest characters are worth it, they could change Makla for one of the Guests like Seinaru or the purple demon and it would be better (who wants Makla? She is just filler)... well it is my humble opinion I hope you like it.