I am one of the types who love femdom and hate reading/playing maledom games/VNs(Others can enjoy maledom, that is fine by me)
Therefore it is always wonderful news when someone makes a serious attempt at a femdom game.
Since inside femdom there are many types of kinks. Then there is also the artstyle and renders that might not really do it for you and what type of gameplay you like.
So since there is so little femdom coming out it is always hard to find that perfect game for oneself.
Personally I mostly like male chastity device/orgasm denial, CBT, and the occasional castration and penectomy.
Things that usually turns me away is stuff with smell, even pantyhose or feet, but farts and scat as well.
In gameplay I love a good jrpg grind or a game with management features(like all those brothel games out there).
Art/Render I prefer exaggerated and unrealistic women.
So you might think me an idiot for even trying this game which seem to have a heavy focus and fart, scat and toilet. But still I wanted to give it a spin and my serious attention.
Now I played it. Here is what I take away from it(Version 0.2.1):
-Love how the women look. I am not sure if I ever played a femdom game where the women appealed to me visually as much as in this game.
-Gameplay, QTE and finding extra art, worked well for me. Very simplistic, bordering pointless, but still more fun than it not being there. The game is also in a early version, so not biggie.
-I liked the sadistic nature of the women and how they talked
-Obviously, from what I wrote earlier, the heavy focus on farting was not for me
-The scene with Claire The receptionist I enjoyed and also waking on the bed was nice and the stuff that took place before leaving that room was enjoyable for me. This was more to the situations than both scenes being with Claire