The street prostitution system needs to be overhauled. The chances of you getting arrested or mugged and financially penalised are so overwhelmingly against the prostitute, that nobody in real life would ever do it. I read somewhere in this forum, that it was the way it was, so it was more realistic. Well that's complete nonsense. In real life, women prostitute themselves to make money, not to lose it. If they didn't benefit, they wouldn't do it and neither would the pimps who exploit them either. So the present system in this game, is complete fantasy, that bears no relation to reality. In real life, most police forces do not have the manpower to enforce the law against prostitutes, in anything more than a token manner. Most street girls get arrested, at most every couple of months, not every other day!
For realism's sake, I dug up some figures relating to the prosecution of prostitution in Russia, which is where this game is supposed to be set. In 2018, there was believed to be approximately 3 million prostitutes working in Russia, and the Police there arrested about 10,000 of them in that year. So that means 2.99 million of them didn't get arrested at all. So this notion that the police in St Petersburg, are going around arresting every female prostitute every couple of days, is just a complete fabrication. It never happens. The vast majority of working girls in Russia never get arrested, even once, during a year. I reckon most of the girls who get arrested, are committing other crimes as well, like dealing drugs, theft and involvement in people trafficking.
Now, I understand that perhaps the intention was to add a bit of drama, to that part of the game, by adding consequences to committing a felony offense. But I just think the way it's been applied is total overkill. This should be an occasional random event, and not a nightly occurrence. It should happen once every fortnight at most. Really, to make the game more realistic, and at the same time make it more difficult for street girls to make too much money. You should make it very difficult for them to operate without a pimp. That means they can still earn steadily, but they have to give 50% up to him or her. I'm sure then you could create other events, around girls not giving up 50%, or not working enough, or getting hooked on hard drugs by the pimp etc etc. Perhaps also, the pimp could pay off the police, to not hassle his girls so much. And that would give a good motivation for Sveta to become one of his girls. Also a pimp could eventually set Sveta up with special one off gigs, at say stag parties, where she could potentially make a lot more money by being getting gangbanged by all the guys.