Im sorry to ask another question i dont mean to be a bother but can someone please tell me who i can talk to that will treat sveta with even the smallest amount of human dignity?. everyone treats her like they scraped her off their shoe so ive more or less avoided talking to anyone outside of her immediate family. (I do not know why but something about the brothers portrait creeps me the fuck out, not sure what it is but everytime i see him i shiver inside, i dont know who that blonde kid is but the sight of him makes my blood run cold, those fucking EYES man!).
I dont know who to go for that isnt going to end in either a gang rape or forced prostitution. there must be someone in the entire game thats actually happy to have her?. I know who to expressly AVOID but .. whos actually safe to be involved with?.
Seems like everyones just waiting for the chance to get their sadism on.
Game reflects really badly on men by the way, to the point where im almost inclined to defend them. i mean ive been treated better than all three of my brothers all my life just for existing, despite easily being the least useful of the bunch. i know its a porn game and 'nice people' arent exactly the bread and butter of the genre but damn.
im only a few weeks in but if there arent any nicer men you should consider adding a few.
Some of us like to be doted on y'know
Actually some of the guy players might enjoy that too, as far as i know men dont get doted on very often. Or get compliments. Or much in the way of basic human affection at all really... lass told one of my friends in high school hed make a decent drummer, decent, not even a good drummer, just decent and he remembered that all those years afterwards. i dont think anyone had ever just payed him a compliment like that before, and i wouldnt consider it much of a compliment. How sad is it THAT was peak affection for him?.
Imma hug my dad next time i see him.
sorry i got off topic ive been drinking please forgive it.