I dont know who to go for that isnt going to end in either a gang rape or forced prostitution. there must be someone in the entire game thats actually happy to have her?. I know who to expressly AVOID but .. whos actually safe to be involved with?.
Seems like everyones just waiting for the chance to get their sadism on.
Game reflects really badly on men by the way, to the point where im almost inclined to defend them. i mean ive been treated better than all three of my brothers all my life just for existing, despite easily being the least useful of the bunch. i know its a porn game and 'nice people' arent exactly the bread and butter of the genre but damn.
im only a few weeks in but if there arent any nicer men you should consider adding a few.
Honestly? Your best bet is to make Sveta figure out that she is a lesbian. Or at the very least try to become BFFs with one or more of the girls first before worrying about a relationship. That opens up several very friendly and cute pairings.
But you are absolutely right on there being a need for good males too. Nutluck already gave a pretty good index of who you can trust to be good to Sveta. My post will simply explain in a bit of detail how these girls and boys will treat you. Skip down a bit if you want to only see my non-lesbian answers. You can't miss it since I went with blue text special for it.
I will start with the girls, because frankly they are both easier to get a good relationship with, and less likely to get a schoolgirl Sveta in trouble with her mother. If you are not looking for either a girlfriend for Sveta nor a BFF then feel free to skip to the males section.
Julia is a very good girl and I try to keep her at 100 relationship in every single route just because of how nice she is no matter how I path Sveta. I can't recommend this pairing enough for your Sveta if you want a nice and drama free partner. The only one downside is that content for this pairing is relatively limited.
Anushka is amazing considering she's in the gropnik social group. She doesn't really treat anyone badly, although some startup backgrounds will cause her to ignore Sveta or if other gropniks are nearby she may join in on laughing at her. In most cases however she is one of the first to warm up to a friendless Sveta, will defend her against the worst bullies and sharks even when not friends, and is very easy going about what Sveta does and who she wants to be. Nush doesn't care at all what anyone says about herself, but she is quick to defend a friend, and even quicker to help someone she cares about. She absolutely rocks as a girlfriend... but getting to that point is not for everyone since her openly sexual nature may turn off a Sveta that is more traditional.
Katja is a good choice but I honestly feel like she is Julia-Light. I say this even despite Katja having far more content available. In every way that matters I would rate Julia better of the two. I basically run Katja pairups only when I get bored of the same few content scenes of Julia.
Larishka can be very cute. Just the right mix of shy and forward... but the problem is that she is firmly in Christina's grasp so you'll have to do something about that first
Lina can be nice when away from Christina... but she is even more firmly under Christina's power than Larishka is, and more willing to be catty and cruel about it while Christina is aware. I think the scene that epitomizes her in my mind is the one where she goes from smiling and being friendly with Sveta one second to the next Christina coming into sight and instantly her smile crumbling off her face and instead prank "pushing" Sveta to the ground while secretly whispering "I'm sorry. I have to." In other words she is someone who by nature is good but out of fear of social bullying has become mean when necessary just to make the bully target others instead of herself. Understandable but not exactly admirable.
Pre-fall Sonia is amazing and practically the only character in the game who won't ignore your Sveta no matter whether rep is at 0 or how she looks or what social group she belongs to. The problem is that, once she has her inevitable fall, she starts to make some pretty poor decisions which can make a relationship with her... fraught. Sadly even the best meaning Sveta trying to save their friend or lover can suffer and fall while trying to save a fallen Sonia. The trick with a Sonia relationship may be to simply never visit the community dance - but you will be voiding a lot of Sonia's content even if this works.
(Note that I have not tested whether this prevents her fall. But it makes sense since the trigger for the fall seems to be attending those dances.)
Natasha is decent but will be a huge money drain and her relationship purity is soured to my mind by the fact that you can make her into your bitch and whore her out if you make darker decisions. I don't blame her for being in the financial ruin she is in, nor her desires of better social and financial status... but her complete lack of self respect just to achieve higher finances kind of makes an otherwise nice girl seem trashy to me.
Veronika is iffy. If you can establish some kind of common ground then she can be accepting of the initial meetings, and will warm up greatly from there. But if you have nothing in common she will seem like a cold uncaring ice queen. My Good Girl outcast-Sveta definitely felt the cold shoulder, but most backgrounds will get at least some sort of acceptance at the start that turns into true friendship if you try hard enough, encourage skating, etc.
Natalia... honestly this one I can't advise you on. I have spent countless hours trying to trigger paths and see how characters react and I still feel like she is kind of a blank slate / robot. Can't really get a good feel what she is thinking or what makes her tick. While I was typing up this long list I noticed that Nutluck posted a breakdown of the girls... and completely skipped listing her anywhere. She is just that ignorable.
I do not advocate any other school girl currently in the game, even Zinaida. Can't remember why but there were a few things I recall happening with her that made Zin join my shun list - despite being ridiculously hard to trigger and probably being route dependent. But if you want a gamer GF then go ahead and try Zin. If you can avoid those mysterious bad routes then she can be kind in her own way.
Most of the other girls will be absolutely horrible to your Sveta unless she is in their social group. Even then those girls will do anything they can to take advantage of her. In other words, girls like Albina, Bella, Irina, Vicky, Lisveta, etc. may make your in-group Sveta feel like their best friend... but every single one will treat her like a leper at best if out-group, and every single one will try secretly taking advantage of Sveta or if given a choice will make Sveta into a scapegoat just to save themselves.
(Even while crying in shame for doing so in one memorable case for Albina.)
Don't get me started on what Paulina, Lera, and Lena can do in various routes. Paulina gets an extra dosing of my ire just because she's also strongly responsible for Sonia's fall and partly responsible for two other falls.
Outside of the school girl cast...
Tanya can be a very nice girl... just don't let yourself get into Nicholas' power. Serious shame that Tanya has him attached to her.
If you can believe it and are willing to do what it takes to get in there, the girls (except Emily!) in the Apphrodite Photography are all pretty amazing friends and people. A couple act like older mentors. One is a bit sex crazed including offering to let Sveta join but friendly all the same. And one girl is an absolute sweetheart - who you also would have met if you take the schoolgirl start and visit her grandparents in the country village.
If you don't mind the age difference and like a little bit of sub or dom play then go find the lady who hangs out in Mon Cher. She can be very loving and kind on both her sub and dom routes... That being said, just be aware that her dom track will occasionally include some scenes that you may find repugnant... (For example the only way to sign the semi permanent mistress contract with her requires Sveta to first go to the glory hole and suck off 20 random men as a show of commitment. Yuck what a nasty gate. That command came out of nowhere and probably turns off any true lesbians. Not a single scene before that of her bringing in strange men, but then suddenly she turns her girl out that way just as a loyalty test...)
If you don't mind a bit of incest play, Sveta's sister Anna can be really nice but I won't spoil that path by saying more.
If you absolutely do not want Sveta to be a lesbian then...
Schoolboys differences from Nutluck's list.
Treat Igor more like a BFF girlfriend than a true boyfriend. He seriously seems to have been built to represent that "boy with a girl's soul".
Fedor is a sweetheart, but has minor tendencies of both jealousy issues plus cowardice that can either be seen in some extreme cases. Do not be surprised if these bad traits get in the way of your storybook romance on a couple of routes depending on how your Sveta treats people around her. Such as if you try to be friendly with say Igor, or if some of the more aggressive boys try moving in on Sveta. But while on dates he is absolutely 100% boyfriend material in terms of behavior. He dates Sveta like you want a boy to act, is slow to initiate oontact of a sexual nature and with easy willpower checks, and even when hesitantly suggesting sex the choice by Sveta to say no will never affect their relationship score nor make him behave worse on future dates. I tested that by deliberately making one Sveta blue ball him for twenty three dates in a row. He still remained true and kind.
Artem will be happy to do homework with you in his house without pushing for sex. He is nice in general even just as a friend. But... he has a dark side to him if you're not careful in your routing. It is very very hard to trigger his darker route, but it is possible. So since he does have the potential for a dark side I am hesitant to stick him in the top tier nice boyfriends category that Nutluck has used.
The rest of these mentions are merely to show that I think Nutluck is underscoring a few boys on the Nice-to-Jerk scale as being more of jerk than from my experience they really are. I wouldn't consider any of them a good first choice as a friend or date, but they're also not quite as bad as listed.
I think Lazar probably should qualify for one category nicer than he's in. He is indeed very invested in focusing on wanting sex... but he also goes out of his way to help younger kids interested in football to learn the sport. And he will help defend even a semi friendly Sveta from the bad guys without requiring any payout. I think I recall even one play route test where he behaved in ways less likely to get a fuck from Sveta but more likely to help her in a bad situation. Which to my mind deserves that rank increase.
I feel like Arkadi and Roman both are getting a bit of a bad rap there by Nut with their poor ratings. Are either of those two someone that is a shining example of a boy you would want to introduce to friends and family? I rather think not. But...
I've had some play routes where Arkadi was very kind to a Sveta that was Anushka's semi-GF. He wasn't trying to get it on with her, unlike that rep in Nut's post, yet he treated her very kind and like a good friend would, even before getting the rep up. He treated her like a fellow human being. Was willing to talk with her for ages. Willing to pass on beer and cigs but without requiring payment of any kind. But even without being a band-mate's GF, Arkadi has actually been rather nice but simply slightly unresponsive to any Sveta I routed as a "norm". The only time I notice any sign of disdain in his character is when I routed a dirty girl Sveta near him. In other words, he is perfectly capable of seeing a girl as more than just a wet hole unless the girl goes out of her way to act like that wet hole is most important thing.
As for Roman... there is no doubt that he can be physical with Sveta and other girls... but rather than being deliberately abusive becuse he is a bastard who doesn't respect girls at all, instead I get more of a feeling that he treats them just as he would treat a boy. Meaning if you don't cause harm to either himself or his rep then he's fine with you, but if you get in his way the fists will fly. Basically the opposite of a chauvinist. Is he someone I think Sveta should date? Hell no. But would he make a good friend... maybe? At the very least Roman won't stab Sveta in the back or secretly try to ruin her no matter what her social standing unlike practically every other person in the school. I honestly feel a small bit of admiration for the guy even while disliking how brutal he is. As a con for even friendship, he is the only character in the game that will physically hurt her by physically slamming her into a nearby wall or locker if she slaps him for a grope. But I honestly feel this is more of a case of "If you were a boy and punched me I'd hurt you, and just cause you're a girl doesn't mean I'll ignore that hit." He imo seems to have respect for girls as long as they don't get in his way. I have also yet to see any real signs of him going out of his way to demean or take advantage of girls.
Outside of them... uhh Rex isn't terrible as a male figure - although it can be kind of hard to unlock his path. And I vaguely recall a bit of badness even with him. Outside of him though most of the male figures either start out corrupt or become so over the course of the story regardless of Sveta's actions and choices. Hell, even her stepfather who seems like a loving stepfather can become a
loving stepfather in a not so good way. Anushka's father seems good but has the capacity for evil. Etc. The guitar teacher in the Pavlosvk town community center and the postmaster are the only two that don't try to take advantage of Sveta... and one simply has no scenes while the other isn't even sure whether to consider the character male or female since it uses a female post worker picture but male pronouns.