I updated our dev thread on our other forum with a full list of what I am working on this release. Some details about each project and how far along each project is to being done.
- Pav park revamp
1) Park is now split into 2 section, the main area where the entrance is, which includes the theater, cafe etc. It is where more people are and is more heavily patrolled by the police. The other section is the less traveled paths that lead in the woods of the park and down to the river that feeds the pav lake. - done
2) New random small events was added to both locations, you will get different small events in each location, also based on time of day and time of year, with a couple of multi-part ones including sex events. - done
3) It is now safer to sleep on the park bench near the entrance but less safe to sleep on one deep in the park - done
4) Vitek, Dan, and Vasily drinking in the park event was move to deeper in the park. - done
5) Now you can run into some of the gopnik girls in the park as well, where you can hang out and drink with them. You get some different reactions based on your social group and if you have drank with them before. - done
6) Now there is a larger group of gopnik guys along with Paulina that you can hang out with. You get some different reactions based on your social group and/or slut rep. Non gopnik Sveta might want to be cautious. - work in progress
7) Most of the gopniks hanging out together drinking beer and getting high. Some new songs with Anushka playing guitar while Rad sings and one where Nush plays guitar and sings herself. Again different reactions based on social group and slut rep. With a few follow up events that can trigger when the little gathering is over. - work in progress
- Vitek home gets expanded a bit, some new generic chat options in his room, and the ability to break up with him if dating. - done
- Igor new chat option in his room to break up with him. - done
- Artem new chat option to break up with him and two new sex scenes, one unlockable repeating one and one single time event. - done
- Fedor has more places to break up with him added. - done
- Vasily home was cleaned up a bit, the many different files was combined into only a few so they are easy to follow and work on in the future. A couple of triggers where tweaked, a couple of sex scenes where slightly changed, one voyeur scene was removed. Two new sex scenes with Vasily was added including one revenge sex scene. - done