I was able to find one under "fetish dresses" in the sex shop, but there are some "stripper outfits" that should definitely be usable as hooker clothes. Or don't require specific clothing. Prostitutes can wear just about anything. I mean at least anything skimpy should count...
So when you are in the clothing store. There's a top row, and bottom row for where it says Prostitute/Stripper/Bimbo ect ect at the top. Highlighted red means it will show up in store, grey or whatever color means it will be hidden. So if the top row for prostitute is highlighted or red or whatever. That means they will show up in the store, and if you hit the other prositute option under that one it will show you only prostitute clothes. Same with bimbo, and if you have prostitute and bimbo selected, it will only show you clothes that have Bimbo/Prostitute on the same piece of clothing. Every clothing store has a prostitute clothing.
If they are showing up, it probably means they arent in rotation for that day and just check back the next day or day after for a different rotation of outfits/dresses. You're also going to find more prostitute clothing under the dress category then outfits.
1st Pic shows all the dresses without messing with filter.
2nd Pic shows all the dresses you can use as a prostitute and some are exclusively prostitute and some are mixed with bimbo/prostitute.
3rd pic is exclusively prostitute dresses.
4th pic is mix.
5th pic is an example of mix.