The city transformation start sat undeveloped for 5+ years. It might even have been the original start, it's before my time. So did the New in Town start, which was the non transformation city start for several years. Nobody over all that time seemed motivated to add any start specific content, leaving them bland and basically boring. Anything they could do, a graduated or visiting Sveta could do. Nothing was unique about them past their intros.
By combining them into one character history, they can be added to without needing entirely new backstory characters. This hopefully makes adding content to them easier on the writers. Which will increase their actual story content.
Eventually someone with the desire to develop the transformation starts content will come along and add in reactions/stories specifically for a boy/man turned girl/woman, but until then the game is large and needs a lot of content developed. Being a community project, nobody is getting paid for their contributions, so developers tend to work on content they want, not what others want.
Micheal the city TF start was the original start for the game. The pav content and school girl content was actually a mod for the original game. GL was a english translation of the original game plus the ETO mod. Then the original game died and the original author said anyone could continue it. That is when GL became it's own game and new original content was added to the game beyond just english translation. I joined working on the game right after that, almost at the very start of the new content. Kevin I believe was working on the GL back when it was still a english translation project only.
As one of the first writers of new content for GL, I picked the school girl start to work on. Because at the time most of the other people was wanting to work on the city start or magic stuff. So it seemed like a under developed area that was being ignored at the time, so I pitched a idea to Kevin who had just recently taken over as the guy in charge of GL about the pav school and was told pretty much to do what I wanted.
So I started revamped all the old content there and writing new stuff, after a bit I recruited some other new people to help me. Namely Dr Cat, Arette(can't recall how her named was spelled) and Violet Kitten. The four of us completely redid the pav school and started adding a bunch of new stuff. Then before you new it, everyone was interested in working on Pav and the school and no one was interested in working on the city anymore.
Of course once that happened then, as you posted the city starts fell behind and we quickly realized the issue with more than one start not having access to the Pav stuff and then everyone lost any interest in working on the city starts at all. Which as you know and stated is why we changed it so all the starts are the same. Now hopefully more people will be interested in working on them.
Which is a little ironic since I original started working on the Pav school because no else had any interest in working on it and later it turned into the exact opposite.
Anyways just sharing a little history about GL and why things ended up the way they was.