our main focus is on year 2 and has been for the last 6 months or so, but there is still a lot of loose ends to tie up in year one still.
The plan is to have the main focus shift from year to year from time to time, but even when we do that we will still be doing older content as well from time to time. Like eventually we want all the pav school kids to have their own story arc, but we are in no rush. Rex party and Dimka parties need a revamp, the cool kids parties need to be expanded. home punishment and interactions at home need to be expanded. school punishment which includes calling the parents to school still needs to be added etc.
So as we advance older stuff will get added or expanded just a bit slower. most of the content for year 2 is about getting all the frameworks done. For example this update we are working on now, has Katja hanging out at the coffee hole, running into a couple of more pav students at the Uni, the nerds game night now will take place to the coffee hole next to the Uni during year two of the game so you can keep interacting with the nerds that way, with cameo's by anushka during nerd game night there because she works there etc, that is all things being done this release.